Sentences with phrase «slice of cake»

There is nothing better than a thick slice of this cake with your morning or afternoon coffee.
Together, we'll save the world... one slice of cake at a time!
I also like the idea of mini cupcakes instead of big slices of cake for a child's birthday party.
I would rather have my guests come back for seconds or thirds than to throw away half - eaten slices of a cake I worked so hard to bake and decorate.
My solution is portion control — turn the big slice of cake into small bites.
Go with bite sized desserts like the these easy homemade truffles instead of big slices of cake and pie.
All that said, sometimes I just want to feel like a normal girl who gets to have an enormous slice of cake on her birthday.
A small slice of this cake for breakfast, or after dinner for dessert, is refreshing and satisfying.
I will never be sick of the smoothies and such but I seriously want like three slices of this cake right now!
Cover with the top slice of the cake and spread with the remaining cream.
Of course you deserve that extra slice of cake.
Just like having a small slice of cake after dinner is typically fine, eating the entire cake all by yourself is by no means healthy.
I forgot to take a picture of the last slice of the cake which I placed on top of the cake.
See how long you can wait before cutting slices of the cake and eating it.
I've even managed to get extra chores out of him in exchange for a larger slice of cake!
Don't complain about the recipe and then expect the first slice of the cake.
The resulting cake only contains less than 10 carbs per slice from a one layer slice of cake and cutting 6 slices.
Huge hugs and a giant slice of cake (with a side of eggs) from me on your special day.
I'm not a baker, but would like a nice slice of cake, practically daily.
She said in a sweet, caught you with a second slice of cake, voice.
If you have been exercising and eating properly for weeks at a time, there is nothing wrong with an occasional slice of cake or indulging in an extra serving of holiday dinner.
In the evening, a wonderful slice of cake appeared in my room with a note from the manager.
My friend who is going through a rough time, a heart shaped slice of cake is bound to make things feel a little brighter!
Cake: You will need 12 thin slices of cake.
You don't always want to dig in a huge slice of cake.
This mini cake recipe makes 6 mini slices of cake, or 4 bigger slices.
I personally find it best to watch this video while actually eating my own slice of cake.
Besides, who wouldn't prefer a beautiful slice of cake to a less exciting brownie square.
Top with whipped cream or serve with berries for an amazing slice of cake.
Just one glass of wine is like eating an entire slice of cake!
Optional: pour caramel sauce on top of cut slices of cake.
It's far better to have a large slice of cake, even if it's far more than you planned, than to eat the entire thing later.
Nothing better than curling up with a big slice of cake and a cup of tea with a good book, my idea of perfect.
Then you'll be much less likely to reach for that second slice of cake.
You don't always want to dig in a huge slice of cake.
After desserts were served, I took a small slice of this cake and fell hard.
Afterwards, warm up with a hot drink and well - deserved slice of cake in front of the fire in the Tudor sitting room.
Serve slices of cake with reserved dulce de leche mixture alongside for drizzling.
The ellipsoid body is located in the central complex of the insect brain and is divided into 16 segments, rather like slices of cake, each of which represents a particular spatial orientation.
«I will really miss that nice slice of cake from Congressman Charlie Rangel's birthday party and singing «Happy Birthday» to him,» Franklin, 68, said in a statement.
Sooooo, it turns out I misread the cupcake instructions for the Year 6 fete — it was just slices of cake that needed to be individually wrapped.
Like many, I eat with my eyes, so I immediately chose the gigantic slice of cake along with a big cup of coffee to come with me on my trip back to D.C..
Like many, I eat with my eyes, so I immediately chose the gigantic slice of cake along with a big cup of coffee to come with me on my trip back to D.C..
Serve warm slices of cake with a generous drizzle of the sauce and a dollop of Coconut Whipped Cream.
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