Sentences with phrase «slides under the mattress»

A co-sleeper might also have no legs, but have a wooden base that extends out from the co-sleeper and slides under the mattress.
It is a thin, circular device that slides under your mattress.

Not exact matches

I snaked my own charging cord up through one of two grooves in the mattress, slid my phone under the silk sheets and shut off the lights, ready for a great night's sleep for us both.
You only need to install the legs onto the unit, slide the hinged wooden lid under your mattress, then slip the included nylon strap under your mattress and secure on the other side of the bed.
Slide the legs of the SwaddleMe By Your Bed Sleeper under your own adult bed and keep your baby right next to your mattress for a safer version of other types of co sleeping.
Our doctor said put books or pillows under the mattress to give it a very slight incline (not so much the baby slides).
Some co-sleepers have four legs; others have two legs that support the side farthest from the bed, while rails slide out from the section closest to the bed and under the mattress to hold it secure.
It also contains 1 extra bed (for a small child only), that is a foam mattress on wheels, this small bed slides out from under the main double bed.
As a guide to finding the correct level of support a mattress is giving you, lie on your back, then slide the flat of your hand under the arch of your back.
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