Sentences with phrase «slight benefit»

We've noted the slight benefits of using encrypted sites, but the most common suggestion is to use a virtual private network, or VPN.
They're great for the environment, and some studies show there may be a slight benefit to health.
The results for women who gave birth for the first time were close, but there may have been a slight benefit in home delivery.
If anything, he thinks most study section members might give a slight benefit to a grant proposal they knew came from a minority scientist.
Although a few studies have discovered a slight benefit, most of them are focused on emphasizing the far greater benefits of consuming a pre-workout meal.
A few studies show in untrained athletes, yes, there is a slight benefit in extending time to exhaustion.
Sprint drills have been shown to increase an athlete's top speed and may have a slight benefit for increasing pure acceleration.
And after the grueling fitness tests were completed, and each result analyzed, it was reported that yerba supplementation didn't have any effect on exercise measures at all — not even a slight benefit.
Within the data, a breakdown of school cohort size revealed that pupils scored nearly the exact same average scaled score regardless of cohort size — although there was a slight benefit of smaller cohorts in reading.
That is, if this year's P / E1 is lower than normal, it is likely to show up at Year 10 as a slight benefit relative to P / E10 based predictions.
If this year's P / E1 is lower than normal, it is likely to show up at Year 15 as a slight benefit relative to P / E10 based predictions.
So, a slight benefit to just paying the taxes and contributing the larger amount when you're in the higher tax bracket — which you'll have to weigh against the need to track and report the non-registered investments for taxes.
And he refers specifically to feral cats — an error even Jessup, Dauphiné, and Cooper (none of whom, it seems, is likely to give feral cats even the slightest benefit of the doubt) don't make.
When the results were finally published in 1994, they had found that there was, perhaps, a slight benefit to the patients eating the low protein diet in the early stages of CRF (ref1, ref2) But in the later stages of the disease, patients on truly low protein diet often seem to do worse.
There can be some slight benefits to your credit rating for doing that.
Riding on DK's again, every sidekick provides a slight benefit that he would not have on his personal; Dixie can prolong the size and peak of jumps, Diddy can hover in place, and Cranky can bounce off of his cane to assault enemies.
The grey curve below Curve 5 shows the slight benefit gained by increasing wall R - value from 20 - to - 40, particularly at high glazing ratios.
I found that lawyers spent so much time trying to keep up with all of those different resources that the slight benefits they produced were outweighed by the inefficiency of having to keep up with all of it.
This is a slight benefit over Amazon Prime for those who aren't covered by Prime Now, which can get things to customers in as little as a couple hours.
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