Sentences with phrase «slight decrease in»

The most recent results show a substantial decline in agents» marketing preferences for blogging (moving from fifth to thirteenth since February 2010), as well as a slight decrease in preference for social media.
The only sector that posted a slight decrease in prices, according to Green Street, was the apartment sector, with a decline of 1.0 percent for the month.
«A slight decrease in mortgage rates along with a variety of new inventory is making it an attractive housing market for home buyers.»
Residential sales saw a slight decrease in the number of sales compared to May of last year, while the average sale price rose 3.8 per cent.
The retail sector has experienced a modest increase in rents, as well as a slight decrease in vacancy rates.
«As the survey found, 90 percent of real estate firms expect net income to increase or remain the same over the next year, but for the second year in a row, low inventory and high prices have led to a slight decrease in real estate firms» sales volume.»
«But for the second year in a row, low inventory and high prices have led to a slight decrease in real estate firms» sales volume.»
All three assessment tools indicated a slight decrease in depressive symptoms among BSA patients at 3 months.
Even though we've seen a slight decrease in the average salary for medical sales equipment pros, the number remains impressive.
The flow of skilled migrants has contributed to a slight decrease in the average overall Index for this year.
Despite that, it looks gorgeous and the slight decrease in size allows the phone itself to be slightly smaller.
YouTube Gaming Live saw a slight decrease in both average concurrent streamers» and viewers» growth, declining by 12 % for both.
Xiaomi posted a slight decrease in shipments, once again relying on its aging MiBand 2 to account for the majority of its volume worldwide.
In the last fifteen years, the city has experienced a slight decrease in population, about two percent.
We were surprised to see our auto rates had gone up enough to more than offset a slight decrease in our homeowners insurance.
«The year 2008 saw a slight decrease in auto premium leakage over 2007.
There has been a slight decrease in the number of criminal and Family Court cases in South Carolina, but civil cases have increased by 33,000 since 2006.
The change in the number of people under high water stress after the 2050s greatly depends on emissions scenario: substantial increase is projected for the A2 scenario; the speed of increase will be slower for the A1 and B1 emissions scenarios because of the global increase of renewable freshwater resources and the slight decrease in population (Oki and Kanae, 2006).
I thought «a slight decrease in rainfall» meant a «permanent» slight decrease in rainfall, so I didn't see a problem with the thinking.
Physically, one could expect a slight decrease in surface evaporation (a «dimming» effect) and related changes to precipitation, a warming of the tropopause and lower stratosphere (and changes in static stability), increased Eurasian «winter warming» effects (related to shifts in the wind patterns as are seen in the aftermath of volcanoes).
[7] The only catastrophe not mentioned here is «acidification» (i.e., a slight decrease in alkalinity) of the oceans.
Physically, one could expect a slight decrease in surface evaporation (a «dimming» effect) and related changes to precipitation, a warming of the tropopause and lower stratosphere (and changes in static stability), increased Eurasian «winter warming» effects (related to shifts in the wind patterns as are seen in the aftermath ofvolcanoes).
The slight decrease in the SH is now greater then the 17 yr period, which in essence removes the global context.In addition the increase in sea ice in the antarctic around 1 % per decade since 1970 is problematic at least,
A significant acceleration in mass loss rate is found, especially for Antarctica, while Greenland mass loss, after a corresponding acceleration period, and a record mass loss in the summer of 2012, has seen a slight decrease in short - term mass loss trend.
Searching the literature pretty much turns up a single paper calling for a slight decrease in blocking over Europe.
By late this century, models on average project a slight decrease in the number of tropical cyclones each year, but an increase in the number of the strongest (Category 4 and 5) hurricanes and greater rainfall rates in hurricanes (increases of about 20 percent averaged near the center of hurricanes).
If anything, there was a slight decrease in the rate of sea level rise starting in the early 2000's (
However, there was a slight decrease in solar insolation from 2000 until 2009 with the ebbing 11 - year sunspot cycle; enough to offset 10 to 15 % of the estimated net human induced warming.
Well, a group of four atmospheric scientists of Carnegie Institution for Science and Harvard University have investigated the matter and think a slight decrease in insolation would not be the crops primary concern.
-- «The 2012 report on extreme events by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change examined the evidence for regional changes in soil moisture since 1950, and made the following assessment for western North America: «No overall or slight decrease in dryness since 1950; large variability; large drought of the 1930s dominates.»
Causes, and they are multiple, appear to be: 1) Natural variability of ocean to atmosphere sensible and latent heat flux 2) Modest increase in natural volcanic aerosols 3) Slight decrease in solar output
The 2017 Do et al study investigated all around the planet using three periods of data and found an overall slight decrease in flooding when comparing all their data - sets.
In southeastern California, a study of Yucca brevifolia that included physiological responses to increased CO2 levels projected a slight decrease in range size [15].
Likewise, total employment is projected to increase in every region except for a slight decrease in those same fossil fuel heavy southern states.
A key finding in the study is that personal disposable income would increase under a revenue - neutral carbon tax in every region except for a slight decrease in the fossil fuel - heavy west south central states of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.
«No overall or slight decrease in dryness since 1950; large variability; large drought of the 1930s dominate.»
Why is it that all I read about in the news is the slight decrease in the southwest US?
Trends in European SPI - 6 and SPEI - 6 drought area have been moderate, with a slight decrease in precipitation - only drought (SPI) area and a slight increase in climatic water balance drought (SPEI) area.
First of all it is important to note that even pure greenhouse gas forcing will lead to a slight decrease in surface solar radiation (due to the concurrent increased humidity) and potential cloud feedbacks.
I think that would make a world of difference here (and am ok with a slight decrease in the amount of currency you receive as a reward to off set it.)
A recent, slight decrease in the popularity of breeds more affected by inherited disorders may indicate that the public is increasingly concerned with the ethical and / or financial implications of this burden (the average cost of owning a medium - sized dog is estimated at USD 8,000, which can increase considerably in the case of illness [20]-RRB-.
In the T3 Suppression test, T3 is administered and if it causes a decrease in T4 then the cat is normal; if the cat has hyperthyroidism then administering T3 will cause no decrease or a slight decrease in T4.
The mutation, which has also been identified in the Samoyed, is a five nucleotide deletion that causes a frameshift and an immediate premature stop; the truncated protein lacks 230C - terminal amino acids which causes a slight decrease in the isoelectric point [18].
There's also been a slight decrease in pet ownership over the last two years.
Moreover, Harris said that the ongoing eurozone crisis, the focus on Olympics, and the low consumer confidence might lead to a slight decrease in transactions over the next two months.
This gives us a 16.46 CAR which is 33 % better than the base with slight decrease in drawdowns.
Other than that, these towns are virtually neck and neck, save the slight decrease in ease of moving out of Portland.
So most people will see a slight decrease in their taxable income.
In the last fifteen years, the city has experienced a slight decrease in population, about two percent.
This will result in a slight decrease in your credit score, for a temporary period of time.
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