Sentences with phrase «slight motions of»

The researchers say they detected the presence of two new extrasolar planets (exoplanets) around a red dwarf star, Gliese 581, 20.5 light - years away in the constellation Libra, based on slight motions of the star.
With optional Comfort Access, a slight motion of your foot below the rear bumper opens or closes the tailgate — a helpful feature when you have armfuls of bags.

Not exact matches

An intellect which at a given instant knew all the forces acting in nature and the positions of all things of which this world consists — supposing the said intellect were vast enough to subject these data to analysis — would embrace in the same formula the motions of the greatest bodies in the universe and those of the slightest atoms; nothing would be uncertain for it, and the future, like the past, would be present to its eyes.
If there is a slight flat spot at the back of the head, you are also going to have asymmetry of muscle development which then in the head and neck, doesn't allow for full range of motion or equal balance, side to side.
The hold is best done while standing (as pictured) and is coupled with the usual sway and slight bobbing motion, with light patting or soothing of the baby's back.
While the motion of a swing involves a slight jolt at the start and end points, a glide is incredibly smooth.
In the 1990s the first discovered exoplanets (planets orbiting other stars) were Jupiter - like giants, betrayed by the slight gravitational wobbles in the motion of their parent stars.
Spectrographs can expose the slight back - and - forth motion of a star as a planet orbits it.
Looking for dark matter by searching for slight deviations in star motions is tricky in low - mass objects, says Manoj Kaplinghat of the University of California, Irvine.
It will detect stellar motions as slight as three feet per second toward or away from us, about the speed of a person walking.
When she had heard me out, she simply nodded, and the slight downward motion of her head punctuated my final word with a full stop.
Slight shifts in the color of light coming from a distant star can clue astronomers in to an orbiting planet via the Doppler equation, which links changes in the wavelength (λ) of light to the motion (v) of the thing emitting it.
After astronomers analyzed seven years» worth of Enceladus data from NASA's Cassini probe, they detected a slight rocking motion in the moon's rotation, suggesting an outer shell of ice.
«The ice cap provides a slight asymmetry that either locks toward or away from Charon when Pluto's spin slows to match the orbital motion of the moon.»
The two methods of detecting extrasolar planets, nicknamed «wobble and blink,» involve plotting tiny shifts in a star's motion caused by the gravitational tug of its orbiting planets, and catching the slight dimming in a star's light that occurs whenever a planet passes between the star and an observer's telescope.
There'd be a slight variation because the rock would move side to side, but in the standard curling shot, you'd have two or three full rotations of the rock going down the entire sheet of the ice and we did study that motion.
Pedestrians crossing a bridge can cause slight sideways motion of the bridge as they push with their feet.
That travel time turns out to be influenced a slight amount by the sloshing motion of the gravity waves, Ulrich said.
«Once the ice cap forms, it provides a slight asymmetry that either locks toward or away from Charon when Pluto's spin slows to match the orbital motion of the moon,» Hamilton said.
HIPWAC measures the very slight color (frequency) change of the hydrocarbon's infrared light caused by the motion of these molecules as they are carried by Titan's winds.
Therefore, general relativity will leave an imprint in the motion of all moving objects in the universe (creating a deviation in an object's predicted Newtonian motion), and its slight effects become obvious in extremely strong gravitational environments, such as the immediate vicinity of Sgr A *.
You can increase the range of motion even further by allowing a slight protraction of the scapula at the bottom of every rep — just be sure to return to a flat back before beginning the next rep.
He would choose a weight that was too heavy for strict curls and begin the movement by holding the bar at thigh level with a shoulder - width grip, then push it into motion with the help of a slight kick from his body.
The trick is in the slight variation of the movement, that will effectively result in making a W motion with your body.
The difference in range of motion is slight and sumo deadlifts may be slightly easier on the lower back, but they're harder on the quads.
Landing on the heels or with the body behind the foot acts as a slight break, and slows down forward motion, but landing on the balls of the feet with the body slightly forward increases momentum and improves ground contact times.
Meanwhile, the vary of motion is thus slight, it exclusively takes a tiny low quantity of momentum or bouncing of weights to interfere with a prolific calf coaching dampness.
The Arnold Press (named after the most famous Bodybuilder of all time, of course), is a slight variation of the regular Dumbbell Shoulder Press that places very little tension on your joints and allows for a more complete range of motion than it's traditional counterpart.
This means we find that happy medium between the two extremes of our pelvic motion where we have a gentle lumbar curve that gives a slight lift to our tailbone allowing our multifidi muscles to engage, allowing our transversus abdominus muscle to pull against solid interlocked vertebrae, and allowing our pelvic floor muscles to pull against a solid tail bone to contract when needed and come back to a neutral resting position when not being called upon.
The lower quarter of the skirt has a slight flare to increase the wearer's range of motion.
For those even with the slightest trace of motion sickness seeing it in standard 2D might still be too overwhelming.
It reduces the minimal flaws — slight motion - blurring, occasionally splotchy shadow detail, and unobtrusive edge - enhancement — of Anchor Bay's previous transfer while simultaneously pumping up the film's mid-Eighties palette to a pleasing level of saturation.
Not understandable in the slightest is Beck's decision to devote a whole scene to Kathy getting excited over the bathroom, and shooting a good deal of it in slow motion, to boot.
All of these factors, the slight story, the hyper - realistic stop motion, the notable voice acting choices, Carter Burwell's score, the melancholic tone, it all adds up to a memorable, and often unsettling experience.
With even a slight bit of forward or reverse motion (around 5mph is plenty), steering works perfectly well.
Every little inch your dog gains from pulling, even the very slight forward motion of you arm, reinforces the pulling.
The dog learns not by tightening real tight but a gentle pressure not to pinch or hurt dog, the rest of training after established collar is on is communicating with the prong, slight up / down motion... having a serious conversation with the prong collar is only necessary at extreme point, lunging to kill a dog or persons extreme and there is no treat or tone or action that stops dog already at a 10 then a calm leash correction and removing dog away from distraction to the other side of dogs thresh hold 6ft to across the street and repeat getting closer and of course treats and a «GOOD» is needed when a job well done Now, I also work with a Old English Bull Dog named Zoey who had to go 2 months to physical therapy for her knee she had surgery on a yr ago and I used a harness by Halti, they said no good, and a flat collar is no good on these kind of dogs.
As a result, there is always a slight blurring effect around the edges of characters in motion.
Pulling the trigger on your dual pistols results in very little kick, a slight motion, a depressingly small bang and the tiniest sliver of health being removed from the enemy.
Microsoft claims the sensitivity of the motion sensor has been improved to such an extent that it can detect slight rotations in your wrist, or even your heartbeat while exercising.
Exploring the movements of athletes and musicians, Orlando uses LED lights and long exposures to record even the slightest of motions, producing colourful waves of light.
Precise and refined in construction, yet unpredictable in motion and susceptible to the slightest of external influences, his sculptures invite playful curiosity and educated investigation into the physics of their careening forms.
In any event, this is not a «heat flow» — it is a conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy and vice versa, just as when a pendulum swings back and forth, with slight upward motion as well.
Although the move received slight backlash, it was also appreciated by many - some of them being Neowin readers - who praised the initiative as a means to set things in motion.
The A7 chip and M7 motion coprocessor sit under the hood, and you'll find a 1.2 - megapixel front camera coupled with a 5 - megapixel rear camera, the latter of which is a slight downgrade from the iPad mini 4.
The new feature produces a new kind of image that mostly lives as a still, but when activated by a slight force touch, the photo animates with a couple of seconds of motion and sound.
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