Sentences with phrase «slight tweaks when»

Not exact matches

He experiments but when he comes across and effective system he sticks to it, making slight tweaks to match the opposition.
Two or three in and out is enough when combined with slight formation tweaks and the added experience the players have from the season gone by.
«They use default emissions factors for various types of coals, they have to use various efficiency rates and things like that, and slight tweaks in those has huge impacts when you're talking about hundreds of millions of credits.»
In fact, one of the more troublesome aspects of our week with the Pathfinder was its tetchy throttle response: the slightest tweak of the gas pedal will send the 5,000 - pound mass lurching forward, which is good news for the (very) few that will be racing GMC Yukons off the lights but a hindrance when trying to park in tight spots.
There are three sliders to change bass, baritone and treble, which make a slight difference when tweaked, but nothing earth shattering.
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