Sentences with phrase «slight warming»

Secondly, it hangs its hat on one particular reconstruction that shows cooling, while other results and independent analyses indicate slight warming.
Use slight warm water and a fresh cotton ball to clean you baby's parts in between changing diapers.
Secondly, it hangs its hat on one particular reconstruction that shows cooling, while other results and independent analyses indicate slight warming.
The team identified a cooling trend in the Pacific Ocean and a very slight warming trend in the Atlantic Ocean since the late 1990s.
UPDATE: I read the Scafetta paper which claims the ACRIM data (which shows slight warming) is more accurate than the PMOD data (slight cooling) because it shows closer agreement with the TSI reconstruction by Krivova and Solanki.
CO2's clear fertilizing effect and possible slight warming effect can save the lives of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions, of people living on the margin.
For slight warming, such examples abound, but they become much rarer for warming beyond 2 degrees C — greater warming becomes more and more damaging on balance.)
Now that this indicator no longer shows warming (but slight cooling instead), you would like to move the goalposts to «ocean heat content», a proxy that has no long - term record of meaningful data, but shows infinitesimally slight warming since ARGO started in 2003.
«Even slight warming decreases yields [of major cereal crops: wheat, corn, barley, rice] in seasonally dry and low - latitude regions....
And such slight warming over next few decades, will cause animal extinction, and will melt Greenland in some dramatic fashion, and will continue cause increase in crop production and a general increase in global vegetation.
Cinnamon is also very high in antioxidants and adds a wonderful scent and slight warming action to this mask.
In particular, the characters visit Punta Arenas (at the tip of South America), where (very pleasingly to my host institution) they have the GISTEMP station record posted on the wall which shows a long - term cooling trend (although slight warming since the 1970's).
Since ARGO started in 2003 we first saw slight cooling, then the ARGO data were corrected and we now see slight warming.
Here are some additional linear regressions for some of the oldest data sets in the world - all show the same slight warming trend over centuries and climate variability.
He clarified to Campus Reform that many scientists do not argue against slight warming of the Earth after the Little Ice Age (the unusually cool period of the Earth around the 1700s A.D.), nor do those critical of anthropogenic climate change argue that humans have made no impact on the planet, merely that the effect has been small and largely beneficial.
The Raw data shows there is slight warming trend in both of these indices going back to 1871 and 1856 respectively.
When pikas are prevented from regulating their temperature behaviorally and are exposed to even slight warming — temperatures of 77 degrees Fahrenheit for six hours — they die.
What kind of nonsense is this about slight warming of water temperature at engine inlets?
They have a slight warming hint of ginger.
When that happens, it doesn't take much — a submarine landslide or a slight warming of the bottom water — to release potentially catastrophic burps.
That slight warming is enough to kill some microalgae needed to help the reefs calcify and stay strong.
It is important to recognize that the widely - cited «Antarctic cooling» appears, from the limited data available, to be restricted only to the last two decades, and that averaged over the last 40 years, there has been a slight warming (e.g. Bertler et al. 2004.
ACRIM shows a slight warming trend.
MIS 11 which has the longest plateau shows a slight warming trend due to a later second climate optimum.
In addition, do one easy total body dynamic exercise at the start of the circuit (such as jumping jacks) for a slight warm - up effect and finish the circuit with a harder power move (such as running in place really fast) for an interval training effect.
Do a slight warm - up such as 10 minutes walking or five minutes of squats and walking lunges continuously.
You may feel a slight warming sensation in your stomach or esophagus.
It is a slight warmer - toned set of shades that is very wearable, so if you tend to like your warm, shimmery shades, then you may like this.
It's deep with a slight warm undertone, which I love.
An adjustable comfort light lets you adjust the gradience to a slighter warmer tone if you get stuck with cold blue screen for example.
It feels good - a slight warm sensation - and is very well tolerated by our patients.
Our pet patients generally notice a slight warming sensation that relaxes them.

Phrases with «slight warming»

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