Sentences with phrase «slightest disturbance»

Dubbed «WiSee,» the system uses a modified wireless router to receive and identify slight disturbances in wi - fi signals that permeate living spaces.
Everyone was afraid to make a sudden move or speak above a whisper for fear that even such slight disturbances could cause the craft to lurch against the sharp rocks that lay hidden just below the waves.
You'd like to peek in, but if your twins are anything like mine (very light sleepers), even the slightest disturbance risks waking them up.
If you're someone that has trouble sleeping with even the slightest disturbances around, such as a snoring spouse, barking dog, daytime noises, new places, or loud upstairs neighbor, then you've probably heard some mention of a white noise machine.
This gives a strong signal at the intended receiver and only a slight disturbance at all the others.
But the slightest disturbance to the direction of just one of these atomic magnets throws the entire group into disarray: The collective magnetic strength in the group decreases.
It takes only a slight disturbance for a pencil standing on its tip to fall in one direction or another.
And remember how the slightest disturbance ruins quantum entanglement?
Quantum computers process information using bits that behave like atoms, so even the slightest disturbance would ruin the process.
Long on ambition but short on sensitivity, the detectors have seen more than half a century of innovation and improvements to isolate them from the slightest disturbances.
These techniques, however, are highly delicate, and the slightest disturbance can disrupt the superposition of qubits prematurely.
In real physical systems, the fragility of quantum information — the slightest disturbance would destroy it — made the accumulation of errors in the computations inevitable.
The built - in accelerometer will let the 1.8 - inch, 160 - GB hard drive of of the slightest disturbances or changes in orientation.
Sighthounds hunt by scanning for movement, not tracking by scent, and so have keen eyesight to catch even the slightest disturbance in their surroundings.
The highly alert and every watchful disposition of the Aidi means that it tends to be a barker, sounding the alarm at even the slightest disturbance.
The only negative was a slight disturbance from other guests returning after 22h00.
In the wider paintings, which are created on abutted canvases, the evocation of poetic form is especially strong: every time the brush traverses the seam between one canvas and another there is a slight disturbance: a vertical line slicing through the stroke.
As many electrical engineers know, heavily positive feedbacked systems — even when simple — need careful tuning and parameters to stay in course — and still even a slight disturbance will usually result an uncontrollable oscillation.
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