Sentences with phrase «slightly at elbow»

Bend arm slightly at elbow, measure from center back of neck, over shoulder and down outside of arm to your wrist.
Keeping your body perfectly still, bring the dumbbells up and out to your side, bending slightly at the elbow and tilting your hands forwards, as if you were pouring liquid from a jug.

Not exact matches

The last time I made focaccia, the dough was slightly tough at first and I had to use a lot of elbow grease to knead it.
But it's slanted at an angle as he releases, with his elbow protruding slightly out.
Way too many straight, cisgender men have said this to me, in that elbow - to - ribs guffaw kind of voice people normally whip out at bachelor parties and trips to Hooters, when they'd see my son reach for my breasts when he was a slightly older baby.
Slightly bend your elbows, then slowly lower your arms out at the sides in a wide arc until you feel a good stretch in the chest muscles.
The arms should be slightly bent at the elbows and your hands facing your body.
You can make the chest take on the bulk of the work if you lean the torso slightly forward at almost 45 degree angle and let the elbows flair out.
With your elbows slightly bent and facing the ceiling, raise the dumbbells to shoulder level squeezing your shoulder blades at top of the movement.
When you reach the lowest position, the elbows should be at a slightly lower level in respect to your body.
Start lowering your arms at both sides making a wide arc by slightly bending your elbows in order to avoid stressing the biceps.
Breathe in and with slightly bent elbows extend the arms to the side, i.e. straight out at both sides, creating a wide arc until you feel a decent stretch on your chest.
Gazing at your navel, curl your body up slightly (the middle of your back should be on the ground at all times), keeping elbows wide, lifting from your core.
Your next inhale brings you into a half lift with a long, straight spine; you may need to microbend slightly at the knees to get there; then exhale, plant your hands, and flow through your vinyasa, which is low plank, elbows grazing the sides of the rib cage, and inhaling upward - facing dog, moving your chest forward; then leading with the low belly pressing back to downward - facing dog.
Unrack the bar and hold it at shoulder height with your chest up, knees slightly bent and elbows pointing slightly forwards.
Fix your gaze on a point on the floor in front of you and bend at the hips until your torso is nearly parallel to the floor, elbows fixed in a slightly bent position.
For the starting position you will hold the weights at the height of your body with your elbows slightly bent.
Rather than simply hanging at the bottom of each repetition (which puts unnecessary strain on your tendons and ligaments), start each rep with your shoulders tucked into their sockets and your elbows at a slightly bent position.
Perform two push - ups, letting your elbows flare slightly out to your sides at about 45 degrees.
While laying down, bring your knees up at your chest, with elbows slightly bent.
Make sure your elbows are slightly towards your hips and simply raise the dumbbell straight up at 90 degrees and back down again.
Arm Swings — Stand straight with your arms extended straight out at the sides and elbows slightly bent.
MOVEMENT (ACTION): Use your back muscles and bend your elbows to pull the upper part of your chest up to the level of the bar (your chin is over the bar) and at the same time arch your torso slightly backwards.
The first step is to find your pulse by pressing your index finger on the brachial artery, which is at the bend of your elbow, slightly to the inside center.
Facing the anchor, grab the handles at chest height, your elbows slightly bent.
Apart from my hair, which, 18 months ago, I chopped myself from elbow - length to a one - length, slightly ragged (because cutting ones hair at 2 am does that, and I have continued to do so ever since but earlier in the day) bob just above my jawline and which I just sweep behind my ears everyday to air - dry, there are a few tried and trusted items I'll wear ninety per cent of my waking hours.
She unzipped my hoodie ever so slightly, and pushed up my sleeves so they were at my elbows.
Most German Shepherd Dogs have a short, thick coat with slightly longer furnishings at the elbows and rear.
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