Sentences with phrase «slightly bent»

Lean forward, keeping your knees slightly bent and one foot forward of the other.
Starting Position: Hinge forward from your hips, and keep your knees slightly bent.
Begin with your knees slightly bent, your torso flat and at about a 45 - degree angle to the floor, your working arm extended down toward the floor (palm facing in), and your nonworking hand grasping the machine or on your thigh to stabilize yourself.
Clasping the handles on to the upper - cable stations, step one foot forward for balance while locking your elbows in a slightly bent position.
Sit on the floor with you knees together and slightly bent as though in a sit up position, your torso should be at a 45 degree angle from the floor and your back should be straight.
Use slightly bent knees (or go very light if you are performing stiff leg deadlifts or Romanian deadlifts).
You can perform this with slightly bent knees.
Arm Swings — Stand straight with your arms extended straight out at the sides and elbows slightly bent.
Rocking Lunge — Begin this warmup by taking a deep lunge bringing your left leg forward and both knees slightly bent as your starting position.
You want to hit the top 6 to 10 inches of the movement where you're slightly bent at the waist.
With a water dumbbell in each hand, place your arms straight out in front of you but keeping your elbows slightly bent.
Stand in a slightly bent over position and support the body weight with the unaffected arm on a chair or table.
Start with your hands over your ankles, your back arched, an your knees slightly bent.
Your back should stay straight (or slightly arched), your knees slightly bent.
They key feature of this supported variation of Corpse Pose is that the child is lying on an angle and her knees are slightly bent, supported by a bolster from behind, allowing her back and belly to relax completely.
Start position: on the floor, lay flat facing up, hands on both sides with knees slightly bent; place your feet around your shoulder width.
Starting with your knees slightly bent, the kettlebell swing until is at eye level and bring it, then back down between her legs.Is that a representative.
Position your feet should width apart, with your feel slightly bent with your chest out and shoulders back.
Keep your legs slightly bent and reach forwards to grab the V - handle attachment with both of your hands in a neutral grip (so that your palms face each other).
Sitting on mat with legs extended and knees slightly bent and holding dumbbell close to one hip, raise legs up off ground and hold them a few inches off ground throughout movements.
With a narrow stance, knees slightly bent, lower the dumbbell, descending to a comfortable, extended stretch.
With your arms slightly bent, pull the handles until one hand goes above the other.
With your feet spread comfortably apart, and knees slightly bent, lift a barbell plate or weighted exercise ball over your head.
Hanging from a chinup bar, keep your knees slightly bent, and raise your legs to a near 90 degree angle.
Straighten your arms but keep your elbows slightly bent.
With a strong stance and knees slightly bent, bring the end of the bar from one hip, up and over your head, to the other hip, keeping your arms extended the entire time.
Start in seated position with knees slightly bent and feet off floor, hold Ugi at right hip, twist body and bring Ugi to left hip, and then lie back with legs straight on ground and touch Ugi to the ground behind head, then sit up and bring Ugi overhead and forward to touch toes.
Keeping the arms straight, elbows slightly bent, lower the weight behind you to about head - level or as far as you feel comfortable.
Keeping your arms slightly bent, raise them in front or to the side of you to build your front and lateral deltoids.
Greater knee bend of the support leg.Landing with the knee slightly bent will help in several major ways.
While laying down, bring your knees up at your chest, with elbows slightly bent.
Tip from the hips, knees slightly bent and abs in, keeping the arms straight.
This long lever move has your arms almost straight (your elbows should be slightly bent) which means you typically stick with a lighter weight for this exercise.
Note: your palm will be on the plate surface but your fingers will be slightly bent to allow you to exert pressure with your fingers to help balance the weight plate as you press it up.
Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides with palms facing backwards and knees slightly bent.
The Move: 8 Count Basic How to: Stand with your feet hip - distance apart and your knees slightly bent.
Single leg jump + kick back — 20 reps each leg Stay on single leg (knee is slightly bent), jump and at the same time kick back with the other leg.
With your arms slightly bent, perform a standard chest training flye (not a chest press, but a flye... less elbow bend than a press) by slowly lowering your arms to the side.
Straighten the arms as much as possible, though no doubt for most students the elbows will remain slightly bent.
The Move: Turn with Jump Jack How to: Stand with your feet hip - distance apart, your knees slightly bent and lift your arms straight out to the sides.
In the Peacock Gesture (Mayura Mudra), which represents a peacock's beak, the ring finger and thumb are joined and the middle finger is slightly bent, while the other two fingers are extended.
With your knees slightly bent, hop onto the box, both feet landing fully on the box, and stand up fully (a).
Land softly on the balls of your feet with knees and hips slightly bent before lowering your heels to the ground.
Laying on your back, lift your head up about six inches off the floor with your knees slightly bent.
Stand with feet hip - distance apart, knees slightly bent, gripping a SteelBell in your right hand at your side.
With a dumbbell in each hand and knees slightly bent, bend forward at your hip joint while keeping a flat back.
Sit with good posture holding a medicine ball or dumbbell in front of your torso, elbows slightly bent.
Calisthenic: Squat Stand with feet shoulder - width apart, knees slightly bent, arms at sides.
Saxon Side Bend Hold a pair of lightweight dumbbells over your head, in line with your shoulders, with your elbows slightly bent.
Set your feet shoulder - width apart, and keep your knees slightly bent, back straight, and eyes focused straight ahead.
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