Sentences with phrase «slightly lesser mistake»

Another slightly lesser mistake that people make is to accept a more expensive life insurance health classification.

Not exact matches

Unsurprisingly, Little Nicky isn't a satirical indictment of the consumer culture of the twenty - first century but rather follows the familiar mould that usually involves the audience being introduced to an unlikeable half - wit, who surprises both us and inexplicably a beautiful woman by improving and getting slightly less detestable over the first half of the film, before losing our confidence with a stupid mistake and then winning it back again with a rousing finale.
The mistake would be slightly less glaring if Reed's pan hadn't been so full of vitriol.
Microsoft successfully shrunk the massive bland box that was the original Xbox One, and the result is a slightly less boring thing that will easily be mistaken for a generic DVR when it is not powered on.
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