Sentences with phrase «slightly more alkaline»

Or, you can use a human baby hair care product that is guaranteed to be milder, slightly more alkaline, and doesn't contain any artificial chemical that might irritate your pup's developing coat.
On the other hand, if your intestinal tract is too acidic, the same postbiotic metabolites will help to make the environment slightly more alkaline.
Though I suppose that at the beginning tumor is slightly more alkaline than surrounding tissue, then it grows and develops acidic shell with «proton pump» mechanism, keeping its core even more «live» (alkaline).

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Leafy greens, especially in the raw form, are an alkaline promoting food, so eating them assists our bodies in achieving that necessary slightly alkaline pH. Leafy greens are also great bone builders, as they have more vitamin K than any other food, which is crucial for the bone building proteins to function properly.
Baking powder's slightly alkaline pH also promotes better browning and more efficient breakdown of proteins in the turkey skin.
20 million years Carbon from greenhouse gas emissions has steadily turned seawater more acidic, disrupting organisms accustomed to the slightly alkaline waters of the past 20 million years.
The suggestion is to help the body maintain a slightly alkaline pH by eating more vegetables for their alkalinizing minerals and fiber.
Your saliva should be slightly alkaline, your stomach obviously very acid (HCL levels), your small intestine more alkaline again, and then towards a more acidic level in the large intestine.
Though the body's natural processes strive to keep the pH level of your blood at a slightly alkaline 7.4 (healthy bodies will sit between a narrow range of 7.35 — 7.45), it's thought that eating foods which are easier to digest and already more alkaline, will help to make this balancing process far easier.
The above reasons for calcium dropping are the REAL reasons for the blood becoming slightly more acidic (but keep in mind, a pH of 7.35, while more acidic than 7.45, is still alkaline!).
Your health is best served by a good mix of nutrient - dense, alkaline and acid - forming foods; ideally, you want to eat more alkaline - forming foods than acid - forming foods to have the net acid and alkaline - forming effects of your diet match the slightly alkaline pH of your blood.
Your pet's urine can also become slightly more basic after it eats (the post prandial alkaline tide).
We already mentioned that the skin of dogs is slightly alkaline compared to human skin which is more acidic.
Something that becomes very slightly less alkaline does not mean it becomes very slightly more acidic.
This is a normal process, and over millions of years the oceans have remained slightly alkaline, as more acidic surface water mixes with deeper water, and carbonic acid is converted to bicarbonate ions.
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