Sentences with phrase «slim minority»

Many of the top universities and colleges have a very slim minority that either use them exclusively or in parallel with print.
Codes of conduct are perfunctory at best and the vast majority of directors who attend educational offerings are a slim minority of the total directorships.
When the economy starts clogging up from lack of investment and the deficit start hanging onto to Harper, he will basically have to cut programs or raise taxes, which Canadians will not put up with - and his slim minority will be gone.
By the time I was being reared in the church, only a slim minority actually held to these views.
For a slim minority of children, the psychological effects of divorce may be long - lasting.
Though it is still a slim minority, Albuquerque's black population has actually more than doubled over the past 50 years, and multiracial residents are quickly becoming more common among the Sandia Mountains.
That's a slim minority that gets even smaller when you consider how many are taken or not interested in dating.
That's a slim minority, so Midwestern black singles sometimes have a hard time finding one another in the sprawling city.
But as you observe, I think they are mostly in a slim minority.
Put Jesse Ford in that slim minority.
The impossible becomes achievable, at least conceptually, to most everyone — and by the time everyone is participating, the odds of all but a slim minority exiting with a profit are slim to none.
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