Sentences with phrase «slippery slope arguments»

As a general rule, I'm not a fan of slippery slope arguments because they can be applied ubiquitously.
Don't believe in slippery slope arguments?
If you are at all dubious about slippery slope arguments in this area, Smith's catalogue of real - life examples will cure your doubts once and for all.
I'm not a big fan of slippery slope arguments, and this is borderline, but in what the justice said it boils down to «Will the person who leaves on personal views of religion, also have their points and objections dismissed as not being noteworthy» because they chose to leave during the opening prayer.
Plus his link was about all the possible slippery slope arguments you've laid out and the Family Research Council spreads around.
i love your slippery slope arguments, your red herrings, and circular reasoning.
-- slippery slope argument, see the first entry, read the rest...
I know it's a slippery slope argument, but there is no way the freedom to protest would be curtailed by banning funeral protests.
Nice attempt to sneak the slippery slope argument in there.
A law professor writing an argument of convincing words that ultimately are a slippery slope argument.
Lily — Your slippery slope argument if facile and, quite frankly, downright purile.
Then there's the slippery slope argument — what about corporations adopting religious beliefs that prohibit transplants and transfusions also wanting an exemption.
Your fallacious slippery slope argument does not hold water.
But let's not make the slippery slope argument.
Still, I feel like this slippery slope argument ignores the real damage that certain lies can do to people and society.
«I don't particularly buy the slippery slope argument because I think this is a dialogue that always will happen as to determining if this is something in the public interest,» Legislator Wolfe said.

Not exact matches

Sure, various groups — doctors, lawyers, small biz owners, etc. have picked up a lot of tax breaks along the way for various reasons but these arguments all lead down a slippery slope.
Cornyn said the Trump administration's rationale for the tariffs — that cheap imports threaten the nation's national security — establishes a slippery slope that could end in trade partners using the same argument to tax U.S. exports.
He is particularly dismissive of arguments making use of the slippery slope, even as he unwittingly makes them credible.
On this topic, the negative pull on the believing boyfriend or girlfriend down slippery slopes is typically what gets highlighted in the argument against dating outside the faith.
Some people who oppose human cloning invoke the «slippery - slope» argument to oppose all genetic research that could lead us closer to making human cloning possible.
Jen: «This is the same tired argument about slippery slope... that next polygamy, incest, and marriage with animals will be legalized.
This is the same tired argument about slippery slope... that next polygamy, incest, and marriage with animals will be legalized.
A major point in Kass's arguments against research cloning is that it is a classic slippery slope, allowing the development of the biological tools necessary for reproductive cloning, which is sure to happen when those tools are in place.
That is a slippery slope and an unsupported argument.
Closely related to the argument from the common good is the slippery - slope argument.
The argument is frequently made that the erosion of religious freedom is «a slippery slope
The great fear stems from what appears the normal «slippery slope» argument.
While admitting that Hick's slippery - slope argument has an initial plausibility, I had argued that
So the argument is that if we start taking away constitutional rights of people who haven't committed crimes then we start down a very slippery slope.
This is much less of a «slippery slope» argument, IMO.
As someone who cites things like the «slippery slope fallacy» you should know better than using «absolutes» in your argument.
Sure, various groups — doctors, lawyers, small biz owners, etc. have picked up a lot of tax breaks along the way for various reasons but these arguments all lead down a slippery slope.
I do not generally believe in «slippery slope» arguments.
Nazis are just so easy to work into any argument — every slope is potentially a slippery slide to whatever depths Hitler is lurking in.
Arguments that unilateral action by the United States produces little climate benefit, that a carbon tax will expand the size of government, that a carbon tax is a regressive, that adaptation and geo - engineering is preferable to emissions constraint, that economists can not confidently design a carbon tax that does more good than harm, that the legislative process can not deliver a carbon tax worth embracing, and that promoting a carbon tax puts conservatives on a slippery political slope are explored and found wanting.
For a view from the ground, my friend and colleague, Hans Brenna, a climate researcher currently investigating the role of volcanoes on stratospheric chemistry, believes that the logical result of arguments against advocacy are a slippery slope.
Dr. Morrow walks carefully through the main arguments against support for SRM research — moral hazard, slippery slope, un-governability, and «inherent immorality» — and offers a careful weighing of the strengths of those contentions against what he terms the «core argument» in favor of SRM research, namely that SRM should be examined as a potentially valuable component of a portfolio of responses to climate change.
«Is the reservation to diversifying structure a «slippery slope» argument,» asked Goyal, or is it protectionism?
If the argument is that TWU graduates are more likely to act discriminatorily, then this logic would justify religious and values - based profiling of prospective lawyers — a dangerous and slippery slope.
The state, by resting its argument on this middle ground, brought the court to the summit of the slippery slope:
This is the classical «slippery slope» argument that sometimes finds favour with the courts.
Moreover, as the Hungarian case is showing very well, the language of constitutional identity is very easy to be manipulated by non-independent constitutional courts.Then, the ECJ should not take the slippery slope suggested by Bot and consequently disregard any Article 4 (2) TUE - based argument, as proposed also by Roberto Mastroianni,.
Concerning, prosecution argument (iii), Bingham f lags up his concerns that the criminal courts have sadly slid down the slippery slope to the point where, as here, witnesses can give anonymous evidence, with the assistance of excessively draconian «protective measures», which cumulatively consign the defendant's right to a fair trial, to the legal dustbin, «by a series of small steps, largely unobjectionable on their own facts, the courts have arrived at a position which is irreconcilable with long - standing principle.»
You may recognize something from a debate (either something they said or something you said) with a client, friend or opposing counsel: a straw man argument; appeal to hypocrisy; a false dilemma; some slippery slope reasoning; composition and division; or, everyone's favourite, the «No True Scotsman» fallacy.
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