Sentences with phrase «sloughing off»

Additionally, users could buy and download unique WiiWare titles, meaning that buying new games didn't always entail sloughing off to Walmart or GameStop.
The really nasty firms, firms whose partners would break down crying in meetings with me, who would ring me with tales of despicable behaviour on the part of other partners, tales of callous, mean - spirited, vile, arrogant and spiteful individuals, have gone out of business ignominiously, for the most part, collapsing like slabs of rotting meat sloughing off the side of a dead horse.
One should also understand that massive tree farming has very little impact for storing carbon dioxide as trees will in a few years started sloughing off leaves, flower parts, fruit parts, and broken branches to get biodegraded reemitting the carbon dioxide.
Americans have gained a lot by sloughing off European complexity, but they can seem empty.
Each day before she begins to paint she practices meditation and in her efforts as a painter it is as though she is sloughing off the physical constraints of this world and seeking the light
And even though the flesh is sloughing off this patchwork monstrosity in places, the infectious strain of gameplay it bears is one you still shouldn't miss.
This disease manifests itself as a skin fragility syndrome, where affected dogs begin showing signs of skin sloughing off from the nose, footpads, and lips immediately after birth.
Older dogs might develop nasal hyperkeratosis, a nose condition resulting when dead skin stops sloughing off.
Down goes Los Angeles, sloughing off into the sea.
Donning form fitting tights and a face - concealing mask, he makes the streets of New York City a safer place to be while sloughing off bad press from local newspaper editor, J. Jonah Jameson (J.K. Simmons).
By sloughing off this dry, dull - looking buildup, skin can look more radiant and your other products can work more effectively — since that dead skin cell barrier will be gone.
By using a facial loofah, like The Body Shop's Smooth & Renew Face Loofah Pads, you are not just saving time by turning your cleanser into an exfoliator, you are also sloughing off dry, dead skin cells and prepping your skin for hydration.
Sloughing off dead skin cells makes it possible for the rest of your skin care products to mingle with your pores and do their magic.
Brock: So, bone turnover would be sort of regeneration like the sloughing off of some cells and the regeneration.
It helps to reduce sun spots and is useful in transforming a dull complexion into a more radiant and bright one, by sloughing off dead skin cells.
Remember your normal sloughing off of old skin cells is compromised.
Microdermabrasion works in much the same way that a facial peel does, by sloughing off the top layer of skin to rejuvenate tired skin.
Strawberries contain alpha - hydroxy acids which act as a natural exfoliant, sloughing off dead skin cells in a very gentle way so the skin is smooth and soft.
It invigorates and tonifies the skin while sloughing off the dead skin cells.
This homemade piña colada sugar scrub is great for sloughing off old dead dry skin, leaving you feeling clean, silky smooth, and ready to take on the world!
The silver nanoparticles sloughing off clothes and onto your skin may be dangerous.
The act of sloughing off dull, dead skin cells is the key to radiant skin, as far as I am concerned.
Beta hydroxy acids work as an exfoliant, gently sloughing off the top layer of dead skin cells to make room for new ones.
Based on Mira's speed and the size of its tail, the star has been sloughing off material for at least 30,000 years, says co-author Christopher Martin, NASA's principal investigator for the GALEX mission.
The redesign should prevent insulation from sloughing off, the cause of Columbia's destruction in 2003.
Larson's colleague Mark Davis, coordinator of the Collaborative Ecological Genetics Laboratory at the Illinois Natural History Survey, explains that every living thing is constantly sloughing off cells and all of those cells contain DNA.
«We think they are sloughing off the internal mucous membrane of their gastrointestinal tract and because of this, they get really sick, which coincides with gestation,» says Garret Suen, a University of Wisconsin - Madison professor of bacteriology and co-author of the panda poop and feeding behavior study.
Papaya extract for a glowing complexion and the sloughing off of dead skin cells.
Listen closely and you'll hear those mental gears grinding into place, sloughing off weeks of rust, dust, tarnish and corrosion — a blog is a harsh mistress, and this one's due to start her whip a-crackin» right about... now.
a scrub that is both effective in sloughing off dry skin and also smells amazing.
I use my bar soap all over with a pair of exfoliating gloves, which last a lot longer than bath puffs and are even better at sloughing off the dead skin.
The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.
They're really good for sloughing off dead skin and encouraging collagen production.
I seek a reduction, a shedding, a sloughing off» (Annie Dillard).
We all slough off bits of ourselves everywhere, every day.
So why would a company that has colonized most of the known world over the last two decades slough off its billion - dollar brand?
But there was one place where he didn't slough off.
As soon as Singapore moves on to such activities, says Lee, «we can slowly slough off our labor - intensive factories and get them to move into the countries around us — Malaysia and Indonesia.»
They are reluctant entrepreneurs sloughed off in corporate downsizings who «hang out a shingle and become a designer on my own or an accountant on my own,» says Kunkle.
The amount of data you slough off everyday — in lab tests, medical images, genetic profiles, liquid biopsies, electrocardiograms, to name just a few — is overwhelming by itself.
Phil Blair, Manpower NO: Economic adviser to the president is a very important job and not one that should be sloughed off to a newscaster with no recent economic experience in the real world.
We need to slough off theological ideals and accept the true theology, he countered, which is concerned only with total acquiescence to the state.
It was like the scales sloughed off my eyes, and for the rest of the evening and all the next day, whenever I looked at my daughter, I saw her more clearly for who she really is — a treasured possession on loan from God.
When you pray to be like Jesus, God will begin to break down, burn away, and slough off anything and everything in your life that does not look like Jesus.
Many a problem of inherited ritual the first Christians sloughed off in leaving the temple and synagogue, but many new ones faced them as soon as they inaugurated what the Epistle to the Hebrews called, «our own assembling together.»
We can't just slough it off.
And while there are attributes and character traits to each of us that need to be sloughed off so that other aspects can be raised up to their potential, I think that we sometimes get the two reversed so that we disown and discredit that which should be strengthened and honored, and we raise up and glorify those things we should let die.
To prepare for mission, in this view of things, would require the members of a congregation to discount their self - serving stuff, attempting to slough it off in order to offer their more recognizably Christian hopes and actions, such as the grace and love witnessed in their Communion, to other people.
We consume ourselves almost entirely with becoming culturally excellent and slough off our original motivation.
You slough off all your responsibilities to your sky god who just forgives anything the most evil criminal asks it to.
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