Sentences with phrase «slow breath»

It goes without saying that you have to perform the exercise on both legs and please remember to take deep slow breaths as you hold the stretch.
She closed her eyes and took slower breaths, imagining yellow roses.
You might also notice that it is harder to slow your breath down once you are short of breath.
Slow breaths allow for the brain to stay active and for the mother to stay in the moment.
Take deep, slow breaths while holding your baby close to you (ear plugs are optional).
Take a deep, slow breath from your lower lungs, ensuring that the hand over your chest doesn't move as you take the breath.
Long, slow breaths then encourage complete relaxation of the pelvic floor and thus can help decrease pain for people with tender pelvic floor muscles.
Therefore, if you take deep slow breaths to promote relaxation and wait the contraction of the muscles will stop and allow you to stretch further before the stretch reflex comes back into play.
Close your eyes and focus on slowing your breath.
Lie down together, have him put one hand on his belly or chest, cover his hand with your hand, and take slow breaths together for about a minute.
The noticeable result of which is better endurance, a lower heart rate at an intensity level that previously would've had a higher heart rate, as well as slower breath rate for the same perceived level of exertion.
So when life comes a-flyin» at you, you've learned to take deep, slow breaths before you react.
Once you have ended the task you were doing, let your arms hang limp at your sides, close your eyes and take a deep, slow breath in through your nose.
The more you are able to relax in a static passive stretch the better the results will be so it pays to concentrate on deep slow breaths and focus your mind on a happy thoughts such as being on a warm tropical beach or what ever makes you feel happy and relaxed.
This sound, called ajapa mantra (pronounced ah - JOP - ah mahn - trah, the «unspoken mantra»), serves three purposes: it helps to slow the breath down (which is exactly what we want for Ujjayi), to focus awareness on the breath and prevent your min «wandering,» and to regulate, by continually monitoring and adjusting the evenness of the sound, the smooth flow of breath (another important element of Ujjayi).
Physical relaxation tips from pilots include taking deep, slow breaths, stretching the shoulders and neck and unclenching of the fists.
Then, I gave myself a pep talk: «Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths.
Take some time to have full, slow breaths or be thankful to have a moment of rest.
You may be able to recognize these signs of anger coming on, and take some deep slow breaths to calm down.
In a simple cross-legged position, sit as straight as you can and take a few, slow breaths.
Now take three deep slow breaths all though a wide open mouth.
What that means is take a brief break from whatever you are doing to take deep, slow breaths to anchor yourself in what you are feeling at that point.
After having me slow my breath, she'd ask me questions about my childhood, about my feelings of instability.
In this moment, take a deep, slow breath.
Stay for 5 slow breaths, or as long as you're comfortable.
Come up from all fours to down dog and stay for 5 to 10 slow breaths.
Slowing your breath will slow down your mind.
Try timing it with a few deep, slow breaths.
Close your eyes, picture yourself in your favorite place, and take at least 10 deep, slow breaths.
We placed our index and middle fingers in the dip in the middle of our clavicles, practicing what Dellepiane called «sexy Darth Vader breathing» — deep, slow breaths in and out through our noses that made vibrations in our throats.
After completing 10 deep, slow breaths, switch sides and repeat.
«I take five slow breaths, making the exhale longer than the inhale.
Here is a simple six - pose sequence that you can hold for five slow breaths, and allow your body to soften for optimal hip flexor relief.
You can hold here for a slow breath or two and on the next inhalation lower the right hand to the floor under your face and repeat on the left.
Slow the breath down and feel your breath begin to move into the belly.
Sometimes taking deep, slow breaths can help.
Take long, slow breaths to bring yourself out of fight - or - flight mode and bring your nervous system back into balance.
If so, take a 10 - minute walk, a 10 - minute break to step outside and take deep, slow breaths, find someone to hug, watch a funny clip on the internet, masturbate (preferably not in a public place), do something silly to remind yourself what a fleeting and fast blip in time life is.
Hold for 8 slow breaths and then walk your hands back to center and stand up slowly.
Hold for 8 slow breaths, then switch sides.
Hold for 8 slow breaths in and out of the nose, then slowly roll back down onto your back one vertebra at a time.
«Slow your heart rate down with slow breathing — check out the Breathing Zone app, which helps you slow your breaths down to an ideal seven breaths per minute,» says Dr Case.
Breathe: «Slow your heart rate down with slow breathing — check out the Breathing Zone app, which helps you slow your breaths down to an ideal seven breaths per minute,» says Dr Case.
Let your arms and legs roll slightly out from the body as you relax and begin to take a series of long, slow breaths, setting an intention to disengage from the external world.
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