Sentences with phrase «slow changes in the shape»

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I still believe, as I put it in chapter two, that «software», not «hardware» — the long, slow waves of cultural change, not the more obvious technological and economic changes that figure so prominently in public debate and academic social science — hold the key to the British predicament; that our ills form an interdependent system or, in medical language, a «syndrome»; and that they reflect the bewilderment and disorientation of a people who have forgotten the history that shaped them, and who therefore no longer know who they are.
According to Manning, this research not only alters the perception of climatic changes on various scales, from short - term shocks to slower - moving, long - term changes, but it is also revolutionizing the understanding of human societies and how the forces of nature shaped them in the past.
The resistance gene, however, by changing the shape of the ribosome, succeeds in blocking the drug — but at the cost of slowing down protein output.
When they compared the butterflyfish to some of these relatives, they found that it had the slowest rate of change in body shape, despite a perfectly typical rate of genetic change.
«Scientists have worked hard to understand the really fast changes in sea level, such as storm surges, because they cause major damage, and the really slow changes because long - term sea level rise will shape the coastlines of the future,» said study co-author Josh Willis of JPL.
But where winds are blowing west, it's akin to slowing the spin of that part of Jupiter, changing the shape of the planet in different places.
When I explore this landscape I find myself connecting with the textures and patterns that nature provides, finding interest in detritus that washes ashore, both organic and in - organic, for even the smallest of objects contain the beauty of randomness and irregularity.We live in one of the most dynamic environments on the planet, where ocean meets land; ever changing, our lives are deeply connected to this place where tides ebb and flow revealing aggregate shapes, leaving imprints, and proving that time is both fast and slow.
The combat in Metal Gear Survive was slow and clunky at best, and thanks to the camera, it was almost impossible to determine if I was going to hit a zombie even with the targeting reticule that changed shape and color to tell me a zombie was in range.
Adding to that even slower changes is more or less futile until the main components are operationally in better shape.
• «A lovely girl like you would do well in - house» — how one judge's comment changed a legal career • Snuff and nonsense — why a 2:2 from Hull is no bar to a career at the Bar • An unrefusable offer — from The Godfather to a career in - house • A shred of hope: how a major corporate disaster helped shape a GC career • The «slow hunch» that led to a groundbreaking legal services venture • It pays to read the small print — the dissertation that transformed a career • Get up, stand up — how a mis - sold pension sparked a career in law
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