Sentences with phrase «slow decay»

Low oxygen conditions slow decay rates, resulting in much of the carbon accumulating in the soil.
The parents also eat the mouse or bird guts and cover the «meatballs» in a special antimicrobial slime cocktail, which scientists suspect slows decay.
e. Today's extremely slow decay of 238U (with a half - life of 4.5 billion years) means that its daughters, granddaughters, etc. today form slowly.
With the US over the last 75 years, there has been slow decay amid prosperity.
No deal was struck and Arenas sat for more than two decades in slow decay, forgotten in a city racing into the 21st century.
Most conventional flosses are made from nylon, a petroleum product with a very slow decay rate, which means that every piece of floss ever used hangs around on Earth for a long time.
I have opined on many occasions that retail is dead or dying (I may have also contributed personally to its slow decay).
Apart from the corrective and developmental persuasive power of ideality there is a «slow decay of physical nature» (FR v).
For now, Eber keeps tracking the slow decay.
Now a protein that is key to forgetting has been identified in flies, and used to speed and slow the decay of painful recollections.
Slow decay was the likely future.
Some have sat abandoned in cities like Philadelphia, New Orleans, and Yonkers, N.Y., for 20 years or more, their slow decay chronicled online by «ruin porn» photographers.
But a slow decay of its orbit increases the chances that it will break into large chunks containing toxic batteries and fuel.
«Growing mosquito populations linked to urbanization, DDT's slow decay: Rising temperatures due to climate change were found to have less influence on mosquito populations than land use changes and the decay of residual DDT in the environment.»
This slowed the decaying process down so that some of the remains (in most cases, only hard material like bone or shell) were preserved for thousands of years.
Hello, I can't get the summit link to work and am interested in what they recommend to put on toddler teeth to slow decay.
Like Children of Men, this seems like a chillingly plausible future, one that is not obliterated by some sudden cataclysm, but rather stuck in a spiral of slow decay.
The film is, even by Schrader's standards, a bleak endeavor, concerned with the durability of spirituality, its susceptibility to corruption and radicalism, and its place in modern American life: with the slow decay of the planet, as well as with pain, penance, and the validity of suicide and murder.
The portent of certain conclusion hangs heavily over the proceedings, from a prologue that explicates how the magical tablet that imbues life within inanimate museum pieces is discovered to a prophecy about «the End» approaching to the tablet's slow decay, which means the living exhibits will surely become lifeless again.
But in terms of its bleak finality, it makes for one hell of a swan song, operating as a meticulous, concentric metaphor for the slow decay and eventual death of animals, people, families, language, countries, political systems — the whole bit.
Documenting the passage of time, David Claerbout's drawings for a film examine the slow decay of a thousand years brought upon by natural elements, while Peter Liversidge's Polaroid diptychs focus on subtle atmospheric changes evoked in only a matter of minutes.
The longest video ever made at 240 hours, Modern Times Forever uses digital animation to show the slow decay and entropic destruction of a building as imagined over thousands of years, creating a desolating portrait of an architectural symbol.
Thus, rejected heat in the temperate and polar regions is also spasmodic, and we observe from this occasional runs upward in global temperature, with a slow decay back toward a baseline of some sort.
This can cause the slow decay of our relationship, almost imperceptibly.
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