Sentences with phrase «slow innovation»

There's growing recognition today of a huge problem slowing innovation in personalized learning: we don't have a clear pipeline for preparing and developing personalized learning teachers.
The big problem when relying on exclusivity is that you quite often start slowing innovation at some point, on top of getting bad PR.
Poor quality patents can slow innovation by encouraging frivolous lawsuits and forcing innovative firms to negotiate expensive licensing agreements before bringing a new product to market.
It's fashionable I suppose to lay the blame for slow innovation in the legal profession at the feet of law firms and their business model.
The new entry - level $ 79 Kindle is a good example of just how slow innovation is in the field of dedicated ebook readers and the electronic ink industry.
If there's one fear that haunts cryptocurrency enthusiasts, it's that governments will attach burdensome regulations to slow innovation across the industry.
«As regulatory, technological and cultural gaps all work to slow innovation adoption, Viola Fintech accelerates the integration of innovative ideas into financial institutions while providing the necessary resources to fintech companies as they scale to transform the financial sector.»
One of the former employees disputed this characterization of slow innovation, saying that the last couple of years had been spent building infrastructure features, which aren't as visible to the outside world.
AT&T and the Federal Government had a love / hate relationship sometimes, and in some cases, the latter actually slowed innovation at the former because it was a afraid a big monopoly would get even stronger.
The table below scores Onit from both perspectives using the simple scoring system developed in Post 011 (fast versus slow innovations):
Trolls do nothing but slow innovation down.
The new entry - level $ 79 Kindle is a good example of just how slow innovation is in the field of dedicated ebook readers and the electronic ink -LSB-...]
Ethereum News Update If there's one fear that haunts cryptocurrency enthusiasts, it's that governments will attach burdensome regulations to slow innovation across the industry.
Skeptics might argue that such a policy would make businesses less inclined to invest in productivity - boosting technology, slowing innovation.
Venture capital firms say SEC oversight could slow innovations in the blockchain technology that underpins digital currencies
They argued that regulation could slow innovations in the blockchain technology that underpins virtual currencies such as bitcoin.
Opinion: Federal science funding continues to be cut, shuttering labs and slowing innovation.
And sometimes the very legislation passed to support pumping moms ends up slowing innovation.
A problem with the precautionary principle, which has indeed been used to slow innovation, is that it lacks an expiration date.
In his June 22 address Duncan also said, «States that slow innovation are limiting opportunities for students and placing themselves at a competitive disadvantage for $ 4 billion in Race to the Top Fund grants.»
When Lazaridis was pressed about the company's slowed innovation, his response was something along the lines of «we were here first.»
It's not quite a monopoly, sure, but the company's utter domination of the American market is the sort of thing that tends to slow innovation.
Impeding renewables deployment would slow innovation and scaling and prevent EU technologies from achieving the competitive pricing necessary to win a place in the international market.
A slower innovation phase is followed by a «take - off» phase, during which new technical systems are rapidly built and adopted across an entire region, until the infrastructure stabilizes at «build - out.»
«There is near - universal recognition that abusive patent litigation creates a heavy burden for companies across the US economy — slowing innovation, undermining competitiveness, and stunting economic growth.
Launched by Motorola in 2013, Project Ara was envisioned as a solution to problems like rampant electronic waste, a lack of diversity in mobile computing, and slow innovation.
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