Sentences with phrase «slow reps»

Try performing the leg curls with slower rep tempo.
For these three exercises, focus on slow reps, maximizing the time under tension on the negative position of the movement.
Instead of doing slow reps, try doing slow negative and explosive - fast positive.
The technique is performed by slowing the rep down to from 5 seconds until 10 seconds, instead of what most traditional weight training methods involve doing 2 seconds up and 2 seconds down.
Then complete each of the following exercises using very slow rep speeds — take 8 — 10 seconds to lift the weight and another 8 — 10 to lower it on each rep. Use very light weight and focus on keeping the muscles tense.
However, you don't have to do negative rep training just to get into a tempo — you can do both quick and slow reps which will both perform on the positive instead of the negative side.
* You can combine slow reps and fast reps into the same set with moderate weight to reach failure and fatigue of the important fast - twitch muscle fibers.
Suppversity — Go Slow To Grow (3 x bigger biceps with slow training) by John Bauer — August 10, 2016 Benefits of slow reps Frankly, I have been an advocate of a slower cadence exercise for many years now.
This can include things like slower rep cadences (to increase time under tension), using bands / chains, drop sets, rest - pause sets, and forced reps.
When it came time for arms, we were instructed to do many of the same moves I've come to expect at SC (think: bicep curls, tricep extensions, and punches), only this time with slower reps and heavier weights.
The one thing you won't hear so often about is that slower rep speed works a lot better for maximizing brachialis recruitment than fast tempo.
For example, one week you can concentrate on slower reps and isolation moves, and in the next week you can focus on more speed reps and multijoint exercises.
If you want to maximize your bi's peak and overall arm size and width, you need a new strategy — one that emphasizes elbow flexion and slower rep speed in order to increase the stress placed on the brachialis.
For starters, it's a fact that a slow rep tempo will reduce the amount of weight you can handle and you'll end up performing less work than you would with a high - velocity movement.
There are so many different variables associated with tempo training, so much so, that training with slow reps and extremely fast reps could each be classified as forms of Tempo Training — but for the sake of this article we are going to classify tempo training under the category of slower movements for the purpose of muscle growth, otherwise known as hypertrophy.
Do one set at 50 % of your normal weight for 12 - 20 slow reps, then go up to 70 % of your normal weight and 10 - 15 slow reps. No need to rest between warmup sets for any longer than it takes to raise the weight.
Repeat these slow reps with good control of the ball for 10 repetitions.
Use both slow reps and faster reps in combination to mix things up.
Here's a tip: stick to compound exercises with free weights and do super-slow reps — the compound exercises use more muscles than machines and the slow reps have been shown to increase strength by 50 percent.
Perform 4 slow reps, followed by 8 quicker paced reps; repeat 2 times.
«Just do basic exercises, make sure you include isolation movements, high reps, low reps, fast reps, slow reps, full - range, partial range — yaaargh!»
One way to elicit growth with slow reps is to do superhigh - rep sets.
* Slower reps have the tendency to improve form and decrease the potential for injury while also increasing tension on the target muscle.
If you do 10 slow reps (slow on both the positive and negative portions) with a relatively light weight, say 75 % of your 1RM, then do 10 superfast reps, and finish with 10 normal - speed reps, you can fatigue both the slow - and fast - twitch muscle fibers and induce growth.
Methods you can experiment with: regular sets in the 8 - 10, 10 - 12 and 12 - 15 rep ranges, drop sets, pre-fatigue (super set isolation plus multi-joint), post fatigue (superset multi-joint plus isolation), giant sets (3 sets in a row for the same muscle group), slow reps (6 seconds up, 6 seconds down), «burns» (partial reps added at the end of a regular set).
When the slow reps method is performed for at least six weeks it can build 50 % more muscle than an average routine.
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