Sentences with phrase «slow revelation»

Further adding to the unnecessary narrative spoilers are flashbacks, some of which are repetitive but with seconds appended for slow revelations.
The resulting film, «Abacus: Small Enough To Jail,» is a gripping, slow revelation at the same time that it's also both a portrait of a tight community with its own set of norms and a study of the high - achieving Sung family (Sung's daughters manage the bank).
This process of slow revelation and sense of temporal manipulation is crucial to the work.
It's terribly clever with a densely - woven plot (all of it there in the blueprint of the story), but the human drama and the slow revelation of kinship shared by these two strangers in the bar gives the film its bruised heart and its lost, isolated figure of tragedy a sense of purpose and reason to go on.
Gosling is an amazingly sensitive actor who always seems to find just the right path inside a complicated character — here, he makes the slow revelation of the depth of Lars's psychosis a thing of broken beauty.
This occurs in a slow revelation of the potential of the sculptural form.
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