Sentences with phrase «slow runner»

This is true in part because aerial times do not differ between fast and slow runners at their top speeds.
I am a very slow runner but really enjoy it at my own, turtle like, pace.
A new patch implemented alongside the new Luigi's Balloon World mode last week blocked some of those crucial tricks, slowing any runner who upgraded their game.
Other key results were that pace slowing was generally far greater among slower runners and that the sex difference in pacing widened among slower marathoners.
Slow runners with relatively few biomechanical problems or muscle imbalances do increase their cadence and low - level strength by slow running... in time.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted... Dear Slow Runners
Running experts generally assume asymmetry impairs performance and slows runners down.
Here's a point I made in that post, regarding GDP growth: «the current economy is like a slow runner who still hasn't caught up to a goal line that's moving closer as she runs towards it.»
The punchline, from the perspective of Fed policy, is that the current economy is like a slow runner who still hasn't caught up to a goal line that's moving closer as she runs towards it.
Here's a point I made in that post, regarding GDP growth: «the current economy is like a slow runner... Read more
I am a slow runner.
If you're a slow runner, you do sprints.
And since it's so difficult to predict the finish times, they give prizes for both the fastest and slowest runners.
slow runner.
Not really the slowest runner out there, and he can dribble.
When your 8 - year - old is embarrassed because he's the slowest runner in gym class, who can give him a sense of peace and perseverance?
They found the difference between genders was just as large among the fastest as it was among the slowest runners.
I'm a slow runner, complacent rather than competitive.
I have asthma and I am a runner, albeit a slow runner.
But because your muscles are weak, the speed you are able to run at is much, much slower than you'd expect if you supposed that both the fast and the slow runner were equally efficient.
In other words, slower runners won't get the chance to be efficient.
(«I'm not a slow runner, the other guys are just faster.»)
When not writing or reading, he geeks out with family and friends, solidifies his reputation as the world's slowest runner, and quotes movies for no reason.
Perhaps Wario's large size ranks him as the slowest runner, while Yoshi may have trouble picking vegetables with his ungainly tongue.
I used the Moto 360 Sport in indoor runs and it seemed to be accurate (yes I am a slow runner — for many reasons).
In the words of Sebastian Coe «I've always felt that long, slow distance produces long, slow runners» and modern runners over all distances will include speedwork like fartlek, hills and intervals alongside more steady running.
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