Sentences with phrase «slow the flow into»

The only solution is to slow the flow into rivers, or perhaps build an artificial lagoon.
Pine Island Glacier was once sitting atop this underwater ridge, which slowed its flow into the sea.

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No matter how lofty its status or how stressful the environment, keeping cash flowing comes down to two things: accelerating the stream of cash coming into your business and slowing its outgo.
Global growth has slowed more than investors had previously anticipated and political risk has risen; yet over the past four years flows into emerging markets funds have remained very strong despite their underperformance.
So one of the long - term implications of the news is that there will be a slow wave of monty flowing into China's A share market.
Even if you're making a great living on an annual basis, there may be periods where the money flowing into your business slows to a trickle.
Within the total managed funds sector, funds flowing into cash management trusts have been slowing in recent quarters and were flat in the June quarter.
Leverage insight into your cash flow so cash shortfalls don't slow you down.
Rainforests act as natural water filters, keeping pollution and debris from flowing into water supplies; they also slow down rainwater, sending it into underground reserves.
The line stretches out into the concourse hallway, as if there weren't already enough things slowing the flow of foot traffic.
Once baby partially opens their mouth the nipple is placed in babies mouth and even with the slowest of flow, the milk is going to come into your babies mouth with relative ease and little work on their part.
If you're starting to bottle feed at an early age, go with a slow flow nipple, which will slowly release the milk instead of making it into one big gush.
You can use a burp cloth pressed into the breast to help slow the flow, then latch your baby back onto your breast when ready to resume feeding.
A slower liquid flow assist the baby in eating without too much liquid getting into the lungs too quickly.
If your baby is into it though, then you won't have to worry about baby bottles anymore because this set comes with four 4oz baby bottles with slow flow nipples, medium flow nipples and fast flow nipples.
Nursing this way works against gravity, therefore slowing the flow of milk into baby's mouth.
Have a sterile container ready to collect any milk you express • When your milk flow starts to slow down, move your thumb and fingers into a different position around your areola and repeat.
You can take them off (follow suggestions above) and while they are off the breast, hand express some milk into a cup, bowl or face cloth until you notice the flow has slowed down.
Meanwhile, the flow of political donations from centenarian Leonard Litwin's Glenwood slowed to a trickle following the arrests in Albany, and the real estate industry as a whole is falling behind in spending as hedge funds pump money into lobbying for education reform.
Its military rulers came under intense pressure to permit international aid, but the flow of supplies and experienced personnel into the country was painfully slow.
The federal government has slowed the flow of displaced people into the U.S. to a trickle, achieving by bureaucracy what it couldn't by executive order.
The shelves act as a buttress to the «grounded» ice, helping slow the flow of the ice sheet's glaciers into the ocean.
«You need to help slow down the flow of water into rivers, and help water infiltrate into the ground,» says Cloke.
It has time slowing as you approach the hole's edge, the so - called horizon, and then inside the horizon, time flows toward and into the singularity [the central spot of infinite density and zero volume], dragging everything that's inside the horizon forward in time to its destruction.
Aladin and Micklin contend that rerouting the Amu Darya, the southern sea's primary tributary, to flow into the western or eastern portions of the sea could slow or stop the shrinkage.
But the slow rate of heat flow into diamond from other materials limits its use in practice.
Forty - eight hours into an attempt to muscle a gusher of oil back into the deep - sea well from which it spewed, the flow of petroleum and gas refused to slow.
Perhaps what's different about them, McDonald says, is that the cooling of gas flowing into the center is slowed down by the heating effect of a black hole spewing out material from the center of the cluster.
In the split second before you hear the sound of metal grinding into metal, your body tenses, blood flows to your extremities, adrenaline surges, and time slows down.
Material flowing out from the equatorial regions is slowed substantially as it runs into the doughnut - shaped disk of dust and gas that surrounds the protostar, the researchers explain.
Enriched uranium oxide is formed into rods and water is used both as a coolant, flowing through the reactor core to transfer heat away, and as a moderator, slowing down neutrons released by fission so that they promote further nuclear reactions.
That also can boost freshwater flow into the Atlantic Ocean, helping to slow down the AMOC.
They slow the flow of ice from the continent into the ocean and act as a buffer, preventing the formation of large cliffs of land ice.
When we make decisions to please others or to fit into the crowd, we slow down the healthy flow of life force energy in this region of the body.
«The class starts with a slow meditative warm up, quickly moving into a powerful vinyasa flow that revs the heart rate and fatigues the muscles of the upper and lower body,» explains Niki.
A diet high in fibre will also further slow the release of nutrients into your body, further reducing your insulin spike and maintaining a steady flow of protein to your muscles.
This occurs in a number of ways, including reduction of glucose absorption, slowing down of carbohydrate digestion, stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin, and stimulating insulin receptors so that more sugar flows out of our bloodstream and into our cells.
By inducing a mild electrical magnetic current into damaged cells, PEMF therapy slows or stops the release of pain and inflammatory mediators, increases blood flow of the cells, and re-establishes normal cell interaction.
This raises your heartbeat, dilates your pupils, tightens the muscles, raises your blood pressure, slows blood flow to the stomach, and releases glucose into the bloodstream.
Using chemicals under the arms (i.e., store - bought deodorants or antiperspirants) that get into your blood stream are not readily removed by the lymph system, especially if you apply them before bedtime when lymph flow is slow.
They may not make much sense and they may not always be easy to track, but they flow into the narrative stream in inevitable fashion, an essential element that doesn't ever slow things down.
While a handful of funds — from Michael C. Aronstein's Mainstay Marketfield (MFLDX) and The Jeffrey's DoubleLine complex — managed to sop up tens of billions, flows into actively - managed fund have slowed to a trickle.
Active Managers Stage a Comeback With more active funds outperforming, some asset managers are optimistic the resurgence will slow the flow of money into index - tracking funds.
There is optimism among investors, the article says, that «conditions are right for active managers» resurgence to continue, eventually slowing the flow of money out of actively managed funds into lower - cost index - tracking funds, a trend that hounded many of them in recent years.»
So why then did the money flowing into Canadian ETFs slow last year?
To some degree, this can be explained by the fact that the lengthy foreclosure process in many states is slow to clear out the stale stock of defaulted mortgages; however, a quick look at page 11 in our Quarterly Report reveals that the flow into serious delinquency also remains somewhat high by historical standards.
This study documents the positive impacts publically subsidized low - cost spay and neuter programs can have that often go unmet in communities: pet population control, leading to the prevention of the proliferation of feral dog and cat populations, slowing the flow of animals into shelters both voluntarily and through field services, and reduction in the incidence of humane destruction of animals.
It always takes us a day to slow down and get into the island flow.
There is water flow from the ocean into the bay, but it is also slow and protected, it is the perfect environment for oysters.
Her classes flow at slower pace than Power Yoga, allowing time to dive into the alignment of poses and generate strength and flexibility in moments of stillness.
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