Sentences with phrase «slow travel became»

Long term and slow travel became our way of life.

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For instance, the computer model produced both the «shock waves» of congestion that travel backwards down motorways and create traffic jams where there is no obvious obstruction («When shock waves hit traffic», New Scientist, 25 June 1994), and the «slow fast - lane» effect, in which so many drivers move into the overtaking lane in frustration at the middle lane's lower speed that the middle lane becomes the fastest - moving.
After a slow start, this film - about a former boy genius (George Clooney) and a current girl genius (Britt Robertson) traveling to a city outside time and space - becomes a delightful and thoughtful exploration of the ways in which the future, the concept and promise of it, function in human life.
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Andrew joined Slow Travel in 2004 and became a moderator in 2011.
Panda joined Slow Travel in 2006 and became a moderator in May 2010 and runs the France, Spain, UK & Ireland forums.
I also get motion sickness if I read when moving faster than a slow stroll, so music has become my travel haven.
And we travel, in essence, to become young fools again — to slow time down and get taken in, and fall in love once more.»
Sullivan founded Slow Travel Berlin in 2010, and his «Walking the City» project is a homage to the slow - travel spirit of what has now become a very popular Berlin websSlow Travel Berlin in 2010, and his «Walking the City» project is a homage to the slow - travel spirit of what has now become a very popular Berlin weTravel Berlin in 2010, and his «Walking the City» project is a homage to the slow - travel spirit of what has now become a very popular Berlin websslow - travel spirit of what has now become a very popular Berlin wetravel spirit of what has now become a very popular Berlin website.
Charlie is a long - term traveller from the UK who writes about simple ways to travel sustainably, including how to become a house sitter and slow traveller, eating local and vegetarian, and making responsible travel choices.
I see slow travel and digital nomading becoming more popular in the future, as people are seeking more flexibility from office life and are pursuing the road less travelled.
Q. You'd like to see «slow travel» become a revolutionary global movement in the way «slow food» has.
[Obviously, if they were any further away, or if the random supernovas blew up too early to become part of the solar system's dust cloud, or were traveling too fast to be captured by what would become part of the solar system's dust cloud, or were thrown out too slow to get here in time, or were formed but were inside another star gravity field and never thrown back into space, even more dust would be lost in space, but let's keep the problem easy.
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