Sentences with phrase «slow weeks where»

Gonçalo's Pick: Sometimes we have slow weeks where there's really nothing interesting out there.

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It can also occur when there is a less - severe injury where the bleeding is slower — usually resulting in the condition going unnoticed for weeks.
The last two weeks of the month of August is typically a slow one in North America with most people on holidays trying to squeeze in the last days of what is an exceedingly short summer, especially north of the 49th Parallel, where the sight of a turned leaf in August can bring on depression.
, where they share stories about setting aside one day a week to slow down, unplug, and come together as a family in nature or at home.
Oh, sometimes there's nothing like a list of goodness to start the day, to slow it all down, to plant us right where we are, and to carry it with us as we begin the week.
GRAEME SEABROOK: So that is where my question came in because I was like alright, so this is what is normal for the first week, but now I am home and it's the second, the third and the forth week and the poop started slowing down, but she was still gaining weight and she was still peeing regularly, but I was calling the doctor going «She is only pooping once a day!
However, unlike earthquakes (where the movement occurs in seconds), movement in these slow slip events or «silent earthquakes» can take weeks to months to occur.
Instead of kicking into high gear — do, do, do and go, go, go — take a few weeks to slow down and get clear with yourself about where you've been, where you are now (be honest with yourself), and where you would like to go.
So in an ideal scenario, what you would do is you would have a little bit of coffee each day, mostly caffeinated other than those couple of weeks where you're switching to decaf but then you would switch farther and farther as you go on through your day to closer to bedtime, tea sources preferably like a high L theanine containing source of tea like green tea and you would kinda combine both of those that you're getting the ultimate and cognitive performance that coffee in the morning, the L theanine throughout the day, as kinda like a slow bleed as you're drinking your green tea and then every couple of weeks, you switch to decaf coffee but you can still continue to drink that green tea because that L theanine doesn't have the same effect on your adenosine receptors or on your adrenal glands so now you know everything you need to know about biohacking your life with coffee and tea.
Or would you rather do it in a more moderate way where you're not killing yourself, but instead are making slow and steady lifestyle changes and taking off 1 - 2 lbs of pure fat per week, while keeping all your hard - earned muscle?
They'll then hit a point where that rate slows down a bit to 1 - 2 lbs per week for a while.
Day 6 is pure lower body speed work (the drills did not appreciably fatigue your nervous system), and day 7 is your PURE aerobic, long slow run of the week (This is where you increase your mileage the most as you progress).
Fourth, finally, you could do alternate - day fasting, where you fast one day a week, or every other day, to slow the process and shorten the refeeding cycle.
As our children grow, those special moments where life seems to slow down after a busy week are precious.
This week was slow to start, but now that it's actually Friday I'm feeling like «where did the week go!?»
HIIT (high intensity interval training): Too much endurance / cardio work can actually rob your body of testosterone, while resistance training / lifting is shown to increase the production of T, but this has a drop off point where too much of either robs the body; a moderate amount of strength training and cardio together make the optimal blend to produce T. Lifting more than three times a week can actually slow your T production way down, so don't overdo it.
MILAN: The gulf between European publishers who have been slow to adapt to digital publishing and those well - entrenched could not have been better illustrated than at a dinner the night before the 4th EDITECH International Conference organized by the Italian Publishers Association (Associazione Italiana Editori) in Milan earlier this week, where a well - dressed Italian publisher sat down at the table and announced with pride, «We have not a single e-book at our company!»
A friend and I just finished eleven days in Argentina and Uruguay and, though it was not a «slow travel» trip by any means, intermittent parts of the trip were indeed «slow» and we saw some other places where we think we could have enjoyed settling in for a couple weeks or so and just hanging out, if time was no object.
This was due in part to our slow pace through the country and the fact that we spent nearly 2 weeks in Antigua with a homestay family (where lodging and three meals a day were included).
Those spotlights have slowed down over the past month, but progress on the game itself hasn't and this week on Twitter Mika's given us a rough update on where the game is at right now...
It was released last summer everywhere in the world except for stupid America, where it comes out next week because we're slow, dumb, loud, and too busy playing Mass Effect 3.
The Taiwan government, in an effort to help the butterflies make it north during their mass migrations, have set up special barriers on the highways where the butterflies pass over, and have even closed down some traffic lanes during the migration week to slow down the speeding cars.
I'm going to be in slow blogging mode through the coming week, on a long - overdue visit to Winter Harbor, Me., where my mother in law was born, resides and paints.
A report this week in the journal Nature is taking me back to my childhood summers in New Jersey, where evenings were often marked by the appearance of a slow - moving Jeep towing a battered cart.
Last week, a very large and slow - moving low - pressure system began drifting westward across the northern Gulf of Mexico, where the air was exceptionally saturated with moisture, Krautmann said.
After having relied on the often unreliable postal service in Washington D.C. and slow mail filtering in my office building (often delaying delivery by up to a week), the availability of e-filing in the firm where I practice was huge cause for celebration.
Solo attorneys struggle to focus on their health, especially in an environment where a 60 - hour work week is a slow one.
So even as all the sparkling glitter and wonder of Christmas lights up our homes over the next two weeks, will you join me in slowing down in humble gratitude and awe as we remember where our true gift is found?
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