Sentences with phrase «slower contractile»

Since the upper region appears to display slower contractile characteristics, it may have a greater proportion of type I muscle fibers.
The isometric contractile properties of EDL muscles from IL - 15Rα — KO mice were also consistent with the adoption of a slower contractile phenotype.
Isometric contractile properties of fast muscles from IL - 15Rα — KO mice display a slower contractile phenotype.
Fast muscles displayed fatigue resistance and a slower contractile phenotype.
These morphological data highlight a unique feature of fast muscles that are IL - 15Rα deficient, which likely contributes to the slower contractile characteristics we observed in these normally fast muscles.
Specifically, lower isometric forces coupled with a lower twitch / tetanus ratio and lower rates of force development and relaxation indicate that EDL muscles from IL - 15Rα — KO mice have adopted a slower contractile phenotype.
Not lower / sustainable force production requirements for long durations of time at slow contractile speeds.

Not exact matches

The observation of reduced calsequestrin in the muscles of IL - 15Rα — KO mice is interesting inasmuch as calsequestrin concentrations are reported to be higher in fast muscles (52) and fast muscles from calsequestrin - 1 — null mice display contractile characteristics similar to those of slow muscles, including longer contraction times and half - relaxation times (ν RTs)(53).
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