Sentences with phrase «slower processing speed»

Not only does it solve the problem of slow processing speeds, it also cuts down on costs.
The display has a rather slow processing speed during certain tasks, though.
«Adolescents with slower processing speed may be at increased later risk of anxiety and depression,» according to the new research by Catharine R. Gale, PhD, of Edinburgh University and colleagues.
Kessler Foundation researchers have published a study supporting the role of slowed processing speed in the executive deficits found in individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS).
While some will decry Apple's slow processing speed when compared to Amazon's, the retailer has several features you can't find anywhere else.
Though the company claims this was done to prevent unexpected shutdowns and prolong battery life, the general consensus is that Apple should have been more transparent about its practices — especially because slow processing speed causes many individuals to spend a substantial amount of money on a new phone when the issue could be improved by just purchasing a new battery.
Emphasizing structure and organization helps remove roadblocks that prevent successful learning, such as slower processing speeds, inconsistent spelling and grammar, difficulty maintaining focus and concentration, and feelings of failure and anxiety resulting from past academic and social struggles.
Those with slower processing speeds — usually the result of poor perceptive development or age — may not be able to decipher the tickers or the traffic signs.
They also had cognitive problems: handwriting deterioration, slow processing speed and regressions so frightening that a once - normal 10 - year - old might have the skills and behavior of a developmentally slow 3 - year - old.
A decline in social functioning, lower verbal learning and slower processing speed were also significant factors.
The new study suggests that slower processing speed may contribute to the development of mental health disorders — possibly by leading to «increased stress and difficulties responding to adversity earlier in life.»
«Our results point to slowed processing speed as the mechanism underlying deficits in executive function,» said Dr. Chiaravalloti.
Lack of sleep has been shown to produce impairments equivalent to those of alcohol intoxication, [4] and can lead to various problems, like irritability, slower processing speed, poor decision making, low cognitive performance, increased risk of depression, obesity, and cardiovascular problems.
(If you don't use Aero Mode, it will lag and slow the process speed.)
«the delay to Segwit2x has damaged confidence amongst bitcoin investors concerning the much - needed resolution to speed up bitcoin's slow processing speed.
At this point, Bitcoin has one of the slowest processing speeds amongst all forms of online payment methods currently available.
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