Sentences with phrase «slower turnover»

«There's a lot of growth in beta cells up until puberty or even young adulthood, but after that, there's a very slow turnover,» she says.
Nor are there good estimates of what kinds of salary increases would need to be offered to slow the turnover among teachers.
Researchers located a novel gene mutation causing cleft lip and cleft palate defects, which slows the turnover of hyaluronan, an important component of the hard palate.
«Millennial homeowners who can't afford to trade up because of their student debt end up staying put, which slows the turnover in the housing market and exacerbates the low supply levels and affordability pressures for those trying to buy their first home,» says Yun.
They took no account of the far slower turnover rates in a typical population of deep - sea fishes.»
Likewise, lower overpotentials usually translate to inefficiencies from slower turnover frequencies.
J. K. Watson, S. Rulands, A. C. Wilkinson, A. Wuidart, M. Ousset, A. Van Keymeulen, B. Göttgens, C. Blanpain, B. D. Simons, E. L. Rawlins Clonal dynamics reveal two distinct populations of basal cells in slow turnover airway epithelium Cell Reports, 12 (1), 90 — 101 (2015)
There is no question that working in an urban district is a grind, but DPS must be able to retain talent and slow the turnover if there is to be more improvement.
But bisphosphonate is poisonous to macrophages, and kills a proportion of them, slowing the turnover of bone cells — which allows those with osteoporosis to increase their overall bone density.
The working hypothesis of the Herlyn lab is that tumor - maintenance cells (tumor stem cells) are central to dormancy due to their non-proliferation or very slow turnover and their non-responsiveness to growth signals.
Retailers need ample square footage to turn existing aisles or backrooms into storage for online orders, and slower turnover in order to convert excess inventory to online orders.
If your inventory is out of date or not selling (you have slow turnover), it may not be wise to attempt inventory financing, because you may not find a willing lender.
The Rent Stabilization Association advocates a slow turnover of stabilized apartments to market - rate, rather than a wholesale switch, Strasburg said.
The building sector focus needs to include energy efficiency retrofits because of the slow turnover in that sector.
Herlyn's working hypothesis is that defined tumor subpopulations are central to dormancy and drug resistance due to their slow turnover and their non-responsiveness to growth signals.
Who do you think is going to win the race... the person with the faster stride turnover or the person with the slower turnover (assuming their strides are equal in length).
They are used to a longer timeline, slower turnover, lower taxes and smaller fees.
Dog beds may have a slower turnover compared to food and treats, but they typically offer healthier margins for pet specialty stores,» says Feng.
Even with the new CAFE standards, it will take years to have a noticeable impact because of the slow turnover of the vehicle fleet.
Regardless of the outcome, insurers should expect a slower turnover of cases.
Trained new wait staff, increased retention rate, and slowed turnover.
The communities have a slower turnover rate of residents than other seniors housing projects, such as stand - alone assisted - living buildings.
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