Sentences with phrase «slowing their progress toward»

Unexpected damage to Curiosity's metal wheels has slowed progress toward Mount Sharp a bit, forcing the mission team to rethink and revise its driving plans.
For example, millions of jobs primarily held by women, mainly administrative and service jobs, are threatened by the rise of automation, while the slow progress toward pay equity in many industries plays a major role.
But self - acceptance starts within, and you will likely end up hurting yourself and slowing their progress toward personal growth if you go down that road.
The book is a must - read for anyone frustrated by the slow progress toward improving America's public schools.
Political challenges and other education priorities have also led to slower progress toward implementing additional evaluation policies, particularly the use of student growth measures based on state assessments in evaluating teachers.59 60 States have responded to public backlash by decreasing the weighting of value - added scores or other student growth measures in teacher evaluation ratings.
As a profession, we are making excruciatingly slow progress toward addressing these issues.

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However, progress toward the ordination of women as ministers has been much slower.
As society's understanding of mental health is starting to take some slow, lurching steps toward progress, Plaza seems uniquely poised for a new cultural norm: One in which the broad spectrum of mental and emotional health is more fairly and accurately represented.
It has been seventeen years since John Paul II issued Ex Corde Ecclesiae (From the heart of the Church) and the progress toward making Catholic schools more Catholic has been, to put it gently, slow and mixed.
Protestant - Catholic antagonisms in Mexico are disturbing, as they represent an obstacle in Mexico's slow and fitful progress toward religious (and political) tolerance.
I lit one last match, held it tight, and witnessed its slow progress down toward my hand.
If a woman progresses slower than the partogram indicates, it doesn't necessarily mean she needs a c - section, but it means you do need to start traveling toward the hospital promptly, so she can be examined with higher technology.
Watching the protagonist's slow and often painful progress toward some resolution might very well also offer comfort to others wrestling with similar issues, and may even help them come to resolutions of their own.
The 11 - man group was initially slowed by severe weather conditions, but once the weather finally cleared, the men made rapid progress toward their target across the snow - covered countryside.
1.5 and 2 °C are not hard and fast limits beyond which disaster is imminent, but they are now the milestones by which the world measures all progress toward slowing global warming.
Progress toward this starry - eyed goal is slow but steady, Breakthrough representatives say, and the organization is set to solicit research proposals for the associated «grand challenges» in optics, communications, materials science and other disciplines later this year.
Divine intervention notwithstanding, progress toward Stamets» mycotechnological promised land has been slow.
But, some people do have genetic predispositions toward obesity or lower energy expenditures and all progress in the right direction — even very slow weight loss — should be rewarded and celebrated.
As humans, we crave growth and change, so achieving slow and steady progress toward your goals is exciting.
A slow process of individuation occurring as The Wolfpack progressed might have helped give it the shape that it currently lacks, despite the fact that the simplest and most seemingly logical organizational principle — an adherence to the chronology of the Angulos story as it unfolded before Moselle — seems to have been set aside in the editing process, toward ends which aren't entirely clear.
«Beyond the Hills» is an arthouse film from Romania, yet, in its slow, lurching progress toward a tragic exorcism, it is a stylistic nephew of America's «The Exorcist.»
Associate professors are often overwhelmed by service obligations, administrative and leadership duties, and teaching — all of which can slow or halt progress toward promotion, particularly when expectations and timelines are fuzzy.
But although its problems seem overwhelming — endemic corruption, high levels of debilitating poverty and vast numbers of children needing help — India has made huge investments in education and is making significant, if slow, progress toward its goals.
Progress toward our objective of universal vouchers has been distressingly slow, but there has been pProgress toward our objective of universal vouchers has been distressingly slow, but there has been progressprogress.
The progress toward online scheduling has been glacially slow, rising only two percentage points over the past three years.
This tale of a daredevil mission to slow Germany's World War II progress toward an atomic bomb could only be conjured by a master storyteller.
What's more, progress toward overcoming that hurdle is likely to be slower when we're dealing with the lower tax rates.
All of these events reflect slow and steady progress toward simplifying the partnership structure, and, I believe, making the value of the underlieing assets more visible.
Rosetta is slowing learning to trust humans and continues to make slow steady progress toward that goal.
Kennel Club recognition was still withheld, and progress was slow, but gradually people became aware that the movement toward the «old type» King Charles Spaniel had come to stay.
This is what counts as progress in the two - decadelong slow slog toward finding a common (but differentiated) worldwide path toward limiting emissions of greenhouse gases and limiting vulnerability to the impacts of human - driven climate change.
However, progress toward solving the climate problem remained far too slow.
We do not need expensive new natural gas pipelines or to develop counterproductive bailouts to uneconomic fossil fuel generators, which would only raise electricity bills, bring more polluting energy into the region, exacerbate climate change, and slow New England's progress toward a clean, resilient, and fuel secure grid.
But rates of progress toward glacial destabilization in these zones has, thus far, been slower than that seen in Greenland and West Antarctica.
China is making slow but steady progress toward what western countries consider to be judicial independence (see authorities listed below).
Furthermore, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the increase in men's housework slowed or even declined, as did several others measures of progress toward gender equity.
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