Sentences with phrase «slowly driving a change»

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Investopedia analyst Arthur Pinkasovitch, for example, believes that a long - term change in fundamentals has been driving up gold prices slowly but steadily.
With a company culture that supports women and career - driven goals, Del Frisco's Restaurant Group is slowly but surely changing the way females are perceived in the restaurant industry.
While the Abbott Districts have already seen improvements and the achievement gap is slowly closing, Carrigg and MacInnes don't necessarily believe that money is always the driving factor behind change.
When driving slowly in city traffic, as well as when parking and maneuvering, the MINI-DCT changes into a comfortable creep function, which facilitates smooth starting.
Now shove that profit - driven corporation into a situation where change can only happen slowly, layoffs have cut staff down to the point that people are working sixty to seventy hours for a small salary, and you have a structure for disaster when things shift quickly, as they are now with electronic distribution.
Driving slowly, we spent three days enjoying 350 miles of ever - changing coastline.
Regardless, I would posit the worsening winter ice formation is as expected given the poles suffer first and winters warm faster than summers, BUT that this is happening within two years of the EN peak, which was my time line in 2015, one wonders if the combination of warm EN - heated Pacific waters (oceans move slowly) and warm air are a trailing edge of the EN effect OR this is signallibg a phase change driven by that EN, or is just an extreme winter event.
Leave alone — no natural variability Add some GHG above — I'll leave that to AGWs (it will not make any difference, but let's be tolerant of the CO2 nonsense) Now to the important part: Stir for 5 min (interaction of the solar and Earth's magnetic field), the pot's Surface Temperature changes (SST - AMO) Leave alone for 5 min — the pot's ST slowly reverts back Result — Sun - Earth natural variability drives the AMO
Relatively abrupt changes in the climate of a particular location may be driven not by abrupt changes in the atmospheric circulation, but rather by otherwise slowly evolving changes in the circulation in regions of large horizontal gradients in surface weather.
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