Sentences with phrase «slowly lower the bar»

Slowly lower the bar until your upper arms are fully extended and your biceps are fully stretched.
As you inhale, let your shoulders depress into the bench, tighten your lats, upper back and core, then bend your arms and slowly lower the bar toward the bottom of your chest, keeping your elbows and wrists directly underneath the bar.
Slowly lower the bar until your upper arms are fully extended and the biceps are fully stretched, then curl it up until your biceps are fully contracted and the bar is at shoulder height.
Slowly lower the bar until your biceps are fully stretched, then curl the weight up until your biceps are fully contracted and the bar is again at shoulder height.
Keeping the upper arms stationary, slowly lower the bar toward your forehead and perhaps let it lightly touch it, but avoid flaring your elbows out.
Then slowly lower the bar until it barely touches your chest.
Begin at the top position of the curl, then slowly lower the bar with one arm over an 8 - second count.
And most recent studies show that by increasing the velocity of the movement in a safe and controlled way (slowly lowering the bar then explosively pushing it upward), you can get exceptional gains in growth and power.
Squeeze your chest in the contracted position at the top of the movement, hold for a second then start slowly lowering the bar again.
Wouldn't it build a stronger back to slowly lower the bar than to just drop it every time you finish a rep?
Keep your elbows fixed and slowly lower the bar back down.
Slowly lower the bar with a straight back.
Slowly lower the bar back down and repeat.
Hold the top position for a second, then slowly lower the bar down to the starting position.
Slowly lower the bar to your chest.
On a FLAT bench (the exercise is actually LESS effective using an incline bench), with a MEDIUM grip, and starting from the up position, SLOWLY lower the bar (or dumbbells) to neck level, keeping your elbows pointing out AWAY from the body.
Form: Inhale and slowly lower the bar towards your chest.
Hold for a second and then slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.
So rather than speeding through a rep on the bench press, you purposely, slowly lower the bar.
This means that you are slowly lowering the bar for 2 seconds, pause with the weight on your collar bone for 1 sec, and then EXPLODE up.

Not exact matches

Nevertheless, barring significant trend shifts in key variables, the Fed's going to continue to slowly raise, for reasons that aren't so clear to me but I think amount to: rates have been very low for very long, and as the economy gets back to normal, rates should too.
Slowly bend forward at the hips, keeping your knees straight, and lowering the bar until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
Pull yourself up until your chin crosses over the bar, then slowly lower yourself down until your arms are fully stretched out.
Unrack the bar and slowly lower it towards your chest until it almost touches it.
To do a negative chin up, climb up so your chin is over the bar and then slowly lower yourself down to full stretch.
Using a grip that's only slightly wider than shoulder width, unlock the bar and slowly lower it down until it touches your chest.
Get your partner to lower the bar and then you can lift it up with explosive quickness or for even greater effect, as slowly as possible.
Maintaining a neutral back, slowly lower your body with the bar travelling toward your forehead, then press back up to the original position.
Lift the bar above your head until your arms are straight, then take a deep breath and start slowly lowering it down in a controlled fashion in front of you until it reaches just above your collar bone.
In both exercises, explosively pull yourself over the bar, then slowly lower for a 3 - 5 second count.
As you lower the weight back to the ground, do it carefully and slowly and don't bounce the bar off the ground.
d. Maintaining a straight back, slowly allow knees to bend and lower the bar back to the ground.
Unrack the bar, take a deep breath, and slowly bring it to your lower chest.
Push yourself back up through your heels and repeat until you complete 8 - 12 reps. Next, re-rack the bar for a back squat and perform 8 - 12 reps of Smith machine back squats by using the same stance but placing the back of your shoulders across the bar, then unlocking it and slowly lowering down into a squat.
Similar to flat bench, raise the bar off the rack and slowly lower it towards your chest with a shoulder width grip.
Lower the bar slowly towards your chest, stopping when your wrists touch the sternum.
-- In the third round, perform the pull - up by quickly lowering yourself from the bar, then slowly pulling up.
Take a shoulder width grip on the bar and slowly lower.
Lower the bar slowly to the starting position.
Lower the bar slowly to the starting position in a controlled manner and begin the next repetition.
Lower your torso slowly to the floor and let the bar back up.
From there take a deep breath and slowly pull yourself up until your chin is a couple of inches passed the bar and then lower yourself back down to the starting position breathing out as you do so.
Position yourself below the crossbar, lower yourself down slowly into a deep squat and explode upward, grab the bar and do a controlled pullup then drop down, stabilize yourself, squat, leap, pull up and repeat.
For example: on the triceps pushdown, have a training partner help push the bar down and then allow you to slowly lower the weight on your own; on the overhead triceps extension, use leg drive / momentum to get the weight overhead, then slowly lower it to the bottom.
Just hang from the bar, lift legs until they are parallel to the ground and slowly lower.
For example, if you were doing pull ups, and could not achieve the final repetition, try performing a negative, where you start at the top, with your chin at the bar and slowly lower yourself down as slow as you can.
Try to pull up at a steady controlled, rate until the bar hits your lower pecs, now tense those lats until they feel about to pullout from your armpits, squeeze harder and lower slowly (This is a wicked movement and made easier though in this case, more productive, if the bar is slanted 45 degrees downward at the point where you grip it).
Come all the way up to the top position and hold for a few seconds then lower the bar back down slowly.
Now lower the bar slowly back to the starting position on a two second count.
Using a hammer or a small weight plate on ONE end of a dumbbell bar, tilt the hammer or dumbbell toward the ceiling and then slowly lower it.
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