Sentences with phrase «slowly move the weight»

Remaining in lunge position, engage your abs and slowly move the weight to your left side by twisting your torso and keeping your arms straight.

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Rolling side to side slowly when changing, helping her slowly transition up and down from sitting to lying down and back up again on changing table, encouraging reaching for toys when on hands and knees so that one hand is off the ground without collapsing, playing «row row row your boat» on your lap moving side to side and having her hold those tricky sideways positions are some examples of things you can do during the day to help her get used to lateral weight shifts.
Hold a weight in each hand and try to slowly lower into a 90 degree angle while not moving your torso.
To perform the exercise, squat down with both legs, move the weight in one of them and slowly extend the other one.
Start with a light weight and slowly move up.
If you're a beginner, starting with the body weight squats and slowly moving up to the weighted squats is the best way to go.
Form: Inhale and slowly bend your elbows so that the weight moves towards the floor.
Follow along with Natasha Aughey as she slowly moves one hell of a lot of weight.
Ending Position: Move the weight slowly and steadily to the horizontal position, try and hold this for a second before lowering again.
In doing the calf raises form is very important, only use the weight that you can move slowly full the full range of motion.To do calf raises you need a place to do them.
When you move to free weights, realize that proper form is paramount; first get your form perfect without weight, then once you've got that down, slowly increase the weight over time keeping proper form until the weight gets challenging.
In short, moving a light weight slowly does you no good unless you can achieve muscular failure.
If I wanted to gain weight I'd move slowly towards the 5000 cals threshold, because eating more than 3000 cals is actually a hella lot of work:) Then log your weight monthly while eating 4000 cals a day, 4500 cals a day, 5000 cals — always use something like cronometer to have a good estimate of your cals.
When you are lowering the weights towards the floor move slowly and control the weights against gravity.
Move slowly in a controlled manner, adding weight as you get stronger.
Similarly, if you want to enhance your explosive power there's little benefit in working with very heavy weights that you can only move incredibly slowly.
Place your body weight over your knee and slowly move your knee forward.
I slowly moved Dora off the Hills and onto the Canine Health Diet with cooked protein, wild Salmon Oil, and Rehmannia capsules in the doses Dr. Harvey recommended for her weight and test results.
Concerning the waves from the droplet, given that the droplet moves slowly compared to the speed of sound, the weight of the droplet (i.e. its dynamic presence) should be spread over a fairly large area.
There's the Rathian, a vicious fire - breathing dragon that can end you with a crushing combo, and the Barroth, a hard - headed dinosaur (literally) that moves a little slowly, but can be destructive when it starts tossing its weight around.
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