Sentences with phrase «slowly open the legs»

Keeping the feet flexed, slowly open the legs wide, focusing on the outer thighs.
On your back with your knees bent and your feet together, slowly open the legs as you bring the soles of the feet together while lowering your knees to the side.

Not exact matches

Walk your hands slowly forward between your legs, keeping the front of your body long and open.
To come out, inhale, stand tall with your chest opening fully, and exhale as you slowly lower your straight leg to Tadasana.
Now stretch out your arms wide open and push the right side of your waistline over your right leg while going down slowly with a flat back.
Hold both of your pooch's front legs near the wrists and slowly open them up to the side.
The infection slowly ate away at the muscles and tissue in the leg until his leg was an open wound that wouldn't heal.
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