Sentences with phrase «sluggish digestive system»

We agree that this may by okay for some cats with normal, healthy digestion, cats with sluggish digestive systems or with IBD / IBS might have problems digesting bone shards.
You can use apple cider vinegar to help purify water, and to help stir up a sluggish digestive system.
When you combine diuretic beverages with a severe lack of water consumption, it is a recipe for dehydration and a sluggish digestive system.
If my energy is sagging, I make sure I'm not getting TOO many carbohydrates and too little fat or protein which can cause an imbalance of hormones and a sluggish digestive system.
A sluggish digestive system can cause a buildup of toxic waste in your body, and this shows up in the form of extra weight around your midsection, as well as in blemishes and dullness in your skin, among other things.
Summary If you have a sluggish digestive system, are experiencing bloating, constipation, tiredness, dull skin and hair, acne, eczema, mood disorders (moody, depressed, irritable) and a weak immune system then you should come along to learn how to heal your gut and learn all about the ancient yet brilliant fermentation process of different foods.
Dogs who are dealing with a sluggish digestive system and mild constipation may experience relief thanks to the laxative effect of apples.
Dogs that have excess gas very often have a sluggish digestive system.
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