Sentences with phrase «small amount of urine»

If your cat frequently enters her litter box and seems to produce only small amounts of urine, she may have a urinary tract infection.
Another equally normal but less pleasant marking behavior is urine spraying - the deposition of small amounts of urine around a given area.
If the dog is still only producing a very small amount of urine, further medications may be necessary to stimulate the kidneys.
Despite urinary frequency, only small amounts of urine are able to pass, and this is with severe discomfort.
He does this by depositing small amounts of urine on anything he feels belongs to him — the furniture, the walls, your socks, etc..
They use scent glands on their cheeks and feet, as well as depositing small amounts of urine, to leave long - lasting messages to other cats of their presence.
Angel showed signs of discomfort when she urinated and produced small amounts of urine more frequently than usual.
By spraying small amounts of urine around an area, a cat announces his or her presence, establishes or maintains territorial boundaries, or advertises that he or she is ready to mate.
Increased thirst can also be an indication of cystitis, which is an inflammation of the bladder, and is normally accompanied by behavioral changes such as passage of only small amounts of urine at a time and urinating away from the litter box.
A urinary tract infection (UTI) can cause a dog to void small amounts of urine frequently.
Over the course of five days, Annie progressed from making small amounts of urine (oliguric renal failure) to making no urine (anuric renal failure).
This means that your cat frequently goes to its litter box but only voids small amounts of urine every single time.
Mildly affected individuals may only occasionally leak small amounts of urine (particularly when they are sleeping).
Excessive stress can lead to the breakdown of the lining of the bladder with small amounts of urine leakage into the bladder wall.
Urine marking is done on walls, trees, and hydrants with small amounts of urine as frequently as your dog can physically manage.
When cats spray, they hold their tails straight up, back up to the furniture or wall, and quiver their tails while distributing a relatively small amount of urine for the purpose of scent marking her territory.
Frequent and Small Amounts of Urine If your pet seems to urinate more frequently than before, check the amount of urine each time they go.
Because it can be difficult to ascertain at home whether or not the cat can urinate normally (a urinary tract infection can mimic an obstruction because both involve straining to urinate, however, with infection the cat will pass small amounts of urine because the urethra is not obstructed), any cat suspected of urinary obstruction should be dealt with on an emergency basis.
Signs of a bladder infection (passing frequent small amounts of urine, straining to urinate, blood in the urine)
the dog will only release small amounts of urine and «spray» the object being marked.
Cats with urinary tract infections will enter their litter box and urinate small amounts of urine frequently and strain to urinate.
Spraying is the deposition of small amounts of urine on walls and other vertical surfaces.
Urinary Tract Infections and Blockages — urinating outside the box, blood in urine, crying in or around the litterbox, producing small amounts of urine or inability to urinate — * Note: a urinary blockage is very serious and can be fatal.
They deposit small amounts of urine, and display a typical posture while marking, which includes backing up to the object, lifting and often quivering the tail, and treading with the back feet.
Later in the course of the disease, they may produce only small amounts of urine or stop urinating altogether.
Since newborns only make a small amount of urine and disposable diapers are very absorbent, it can be hard to tell if the diapers are wet and your baby is peeing enough.
Let your nurse know if you're having difficulty urinating, or if you're only producing a small amount of urine when you pee.
There are often times with younger babies where you change a diaper after only a small amount of urine or poop and in those cases if the mess is contained to the pod only then reusing the shell is a definite possibility.
Think about it this way... you wash your undies in the washing machine, there is small amounts of urine and feces in them too.
The test works by placing a swab or a small amount of urine into the test cartridge, placing the cartridge into the shoe - box sized diagnostic machine, designed by innovation firm Atlas Genetics Ltd, and waiting just 30 minutes for the result.
You might also constantly feel like you have to go while only passing a small amount of urine.
Then again, they added, some of that fluid could also be small amounts of urine: «Ultrasounds have shown that the bladder fills during sexual intercourse and contracts in women who «squirt» fluid from the urethra at orgasm,» they wrote.
If the kidney involvement isn't that serious (yet), your dog will only be able to pass a small amount of urine.
They no longer smell fresh out of the wash, and smell horrible of ammonia after a small amount of urine goes into them.
This means that when they sneeze, cough or even laugh hard, a small amount of urine is released.
Dogs usually mark their territory by spraying a small amount of urine on upright surfaces like doorways and table legs.
- The Mahars When dogs lift their legs and leave a small amount of urine, we often refer to this behavior as «marking.»
When marking, dogs tend to lift their leg only to dribble a small amount of urine, most often on vertical surfaces.
When dogs lift their legs and leave a small amount of urine, we often refer to this behavior as «marking.»
Dogs with cystitis may spend several minutes squatting and straining (straining is called dysuria) to produce only a small amount of urine, and they may urinate more frequently than normal (called pollakiuria).
A chronic obstruction can result in death, so any sign of urinary distress should trigger a trip to the veterinarian, particularly if a cat appears to be crying out in pain, or if you see other signs such as a cat that is passing no or a small amount of urine
The dog may also present anorexia, lethargy, abdominal pain, dehydration, passing only a small amount of urine.
A dog engaging in urine marking behavior typically deposits only a small amount of urine.
Be observant when cleaning the box — larger or smaller amounts of urine or stool are often early signs of medical problems.
Check for medical problems If your cat isn't using the litterbox, is straining to go, producing only a small amount of urine, or appears to be in pain while urinating, seek veterinary attention right away.
Territorial marking is generally but not always directed onto a vertical surface and you may observe your cat twitching his / her erect tail while spraying a small amount of urine.
If your cat is in pain and is trying to urinate but either can not or can only get a small amount of urine out, take him to the veterinarian immediately.
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