Sentences with phrase «small areola»

Not exact matches

You should be noticing some small pimple - like protrusions around the areola, the darker area around the nipple.
You may have noticed small bumps around your areola that became more prominent during your pregnancy and might be especially noticeable when you're cold.
You can hand express a small amount of milk before feeding to help soften the areola and make it easier for baby to latch well.
Small spot like glands in the areola enlarge and produce fluid that lubricates your nipples in preparation for breastfeeding
There should only be a small amount of the areola visible around your baby's mouth.
A normal areola can be small, average, or large.
If your areola is bigger or smaller than what is pictured or described, you may not think your baby is latching on correctly, when he actually is.
Some women have a large areola and some small; some have large erect nipples and some tiny and bud - like.
To massage your breasts, apply gentle pressure with your index and middle finger in small circular motions working down toward the areola.
You may also notice small, goose bump or pimple like white areas on your areola.
You may also notice your areola darkening (perhaps to become more visible to your newborn's immature vision) and additional Montgomery glands (small bumps on the areola) forming.
I have widely spaced small breast with larger areola.
Montgomery glands are special glands that lie just below the surface of your areola and may be seen as small bumps in the skin.
You may also notice an increase in the size and number of «Montgomery's tubercles» which are small bumps on the areola.
Your nipples may darken, and you may notice small bumps appearing on the areola.
It's normal to have a few small hairs on the areolae, or the dark skin around your nipple.
Once she weans the baby and her breasts go back to a smaller size (if they do), the areolas may continue to look stretched - out.
Includes: Changes in the small bumps around the areolas.
Small swellings are present on the areola.
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