Sentences with phrase «small association»

The term "small association" is not a commonly used phrase, and its meaning cannot be determined based on the given input. Full definition
Often members of small associations pay higher dues for the services and programs they receive, but this has always been the price of staying small.
Purpose: To enable small associations with limited revenue to keep their identity, local practices, and sense of community, but receive a higher level of essential services.
Many small associations feel that they can't afford to lose this valuable «where everybody knows your name» asset.
For the individual, such small associations, even if real, will have only minor effects or no effect on overall health or risk of disease.
Yet despite the opportunity for discussion and informal remedies at small associations, sometimes serious ethics violations do occur and require solutions in keeping with the standards all members have sworn to uphold.
Often size is the only attribute small associations have in common.
Unfortunately, members of small associations are particularly reluctant to file official complaints because, even though ethics proceedings are confidential, not much in a small town is secret.
Over the last couple of years she has focused primarily on membership marketing for several smaller associations in the Washington, DC area.
While some pursue mainstream accreditation through the major agencies, others seek approval from smaller associations focused on a particular educational approach, such as Christian or Montessori schools.
For smaller associations, the AE, the president, and legal counsel will do.
The main reason to avoid putting your baby to sleep in a car seat is that there is a very small association with SIDS.
There are also concerns among many small associations who enjoy active member participation, that attendance at meetings and involvement in association events would drop off substantially if members had to drive longer distances to the board office.
However, they identified small numbers of late miscarriages and stillbirths, hence limiting the power to detect small associations and leading to considerable uncertainty in the size of the association14.
Smaller associations also exist, such as the South African Cat Council.
Most often, small associations lack the financial resources to hire a full - time staff, and while a traditional association management company (AMC) can be a viable option, these firms often lack experience in the veterinary profession... and with nonprofits.
Many smaller associations find that having a service maintain their membership roster, produce and distribute routine mail and e-mails, flyers, and notices, collect dues, and manage other administrative tasks relieves member - volunteers of handling those time - consuming tasks.
For most small associations, the official Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice hearings, arbitrations, and mediations are done at the state or regional level.
It appears that the reasons for existing as a highly respected and appreciated small association are not so significant in a difficult market.»
In fact, there is speculation that dues could actually go up because small associations not only would lose the low overhead of a single - staff small office, but there would no longer be any competition for members.
From a strong team of volunteer leaders to technology platforms that help small associations get big results, the REALTOR ® Party is getting the word out that investment matters.
The Institute offers programming for all staff levels of the REALTOR ® organization, from newer AEs and those who manage small associations to veteran AEs.
As a larger market regional MLS, the leadership of CarolinaMLS is sensitive to being perceived as the «big guy» and respects the way smaller associations view them.
One small association in Florida that lost half its membership in the past two years told RAE it still hasn't had to raise dues or cut services because of savvy financial planning.
The state must cease to be a machina machinarum which «strangles the individuality of small associations» and must become instead a communitas communitatum — a union of communities within which the proper autonomous life of each community can unfold.
However, in the study, experience of only cyberbullying was found to have a very small association with well - being and life satisfaction when compared with traditional bullying alone.
He maintained that individuals and smaller associations should be left to accomplish what they could without interference, but that larger bodies had the duty to supply assistance when required.
Before World War I, the Church of God in Christ, the Assemblies of God, the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), the Pentecostal Holiness Church and a host of smaller associations — English - speaking and immigrant — had woven the message associated with Azusa Street into a fabric of belief and practice.
«Small association of surgical anesthesia before age 4, later academic performance.»
A study of children born in Sweden suggests a small association between exposure to anesthesia for surgery before the age 4 with slightly lower school grades at age 16 and slightly lower IQ scores at 18, according to an article published online by JAMA Pediatrics.
Invariably, disputes arise over whether repairs should be made, and disparate interests in small associations can wreak havoc on associations» obligations to maintain and repair the property, so as to keep it in a first - class condition — generally the mandate to the association found in the CC&R s.
The most difficult issues involving homeowners» associations generally occur in smaller associations, who don't have the funds to hire topnotch management and other professionals.
But in case of single lawyer firm or small association of lawyers, better results are expected at minimum cost to client.
At the same time, while not always the case, the smaller the firm, the smaller the association.
Community association manager jobs center on running a single large condominium complex or homeowners «association, or providing outsourced services to a group of smaller associations.
Vianen About Blog Current Judo Vianen is a small association and is still formed and run by a group of enthusiastic volunteers!
Thus, it is possible that a smaller association (or perhaps no association at all) would be found among older adults.
There was a small association between SDP and ADHP, consistent with a causal effect of SDP, but the magnitude of the association was greatly reduced by methodological and statistical controls.
The small association still exists but without its own AE.
• «Economies of scale allowing two of the smaller association participants to maintain community presence under the larger umbrella.»
Especially in small associations, where REALTORS ® know one another, their families, and their dogs (the one who dug up the neighbor's flower beds), one's professional reputation is very important.
Association multi-management program: When a small association's administration is assumed by the state or another local association.
«Small associations are typically a place where phone calls are answered by a live person, even the AE, who knows many members by the sound of their voice.
«Over the years our small association has produced four state presidents, seven REALTOR ® of the Year recipients at the state level, and many state committee chairs, vice chairs and committee members,» says one small - association AE in Missouri.
For some, the shifting real estate market is taking its toll on members» resolve to maintain their small associations.
Small associations are a place where problems can be solved quickly and personally, a place where ethics complaints and arbitrations between members are rare because the parties know each other and are able to work out differences.»
Some small associations with low dues do not - anticipate any cost savings by merging.
Some small associations with no paid staff have volunteer leaders who fulfill basic administrative duties (the tasks that are ordinarily done by paid staff).
Members of small associations, who typically live in small communities, are accustomed to working with people they know personally.
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