Sentences with phrase «small calorie reduction»

If it is, make a small calorie reduction until you are within the recommended range.
If you are still gaining too fast, make another small calorie reduction and repeat this process over again until you are finally gaining in the recommended range.

Not exact matches

As formulators look to address function, health and wellness, calorie reduction, and much more (even a marijuana high), today's trendsetting innovations not only are fulfilling need states, but also offering new pathways to growth for both large and small beverage manufacturers.
Sinclair and the authors caution that calorie restriction involves more than fat reduction, and Sinclair says that the mechanism proposed in this study likely represents «a small piece in the overall puzzle of how life extension works.»
When reducing calories, use small, incremental reductions and engage in resistance training
So rather than trying to drastically drop your calories, aim for a small reduction that is sustainable for the long term.
If you end up having to reduce calories again to keep the fat loss going, make sure you make these reductions in (small / gradual) 250 calorie increments.
It's okay to start slowly with just a small reduction in calories.
The reduction of calories into a smaller number of points makes it easier and simpler for people to follow in their everyday lives.
In other words, when losing weight I use small systematic calorie reductions to keep weight trending down.
Those small reductions (whether calories or dollars) each day add up to a big difference over time.
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