Sentences with phrase «small cameras on»

Your doctor may also perform an endoscopy, in which they use a small camera on a flexible tube to view the linings of your gastrointestinal tract.
Just signal right, and live video displays from a small camera on your passenger - side mirror.
It features a small camera on the passenger side mirror that can be engaged — either manually or automatically — when you turn on your right turn signal.
A tube with a small camera on the end is inserted through your dog's anus to check on the lining of the colon and intestines.

Not exact matches

Next, I bought a small, waterproof digital camera to take on a beach vacation.
Instead of selling their own SLRs, which use a mirror and prism mechanism to allow a scene to be viewed by the photographer and recorded on film, Panasonic, Olympus, and others started selling selling smaller cameras that relied just on digital sensors.
Sure, it's not cheap, but this security camera sits in at $ 200 on Amazon, which is a small price to pay for keeping your home and belongings secure.
Last week, the company announced a new corporate name — Snap, Inc. — as it prepares to debut its second product, a pair of sunglasses with a small camera that captures 10 - second videos for sharing on Snapchat.
(Reuters)- Action - camera maker GoPro Inc reported a smaller - than - expected first - quarter loss on Thursday as the company cut costs and sold more of its new entry - level cameras...
While AR has been used most widely in industries like retail, medical research, real estate, and sports (think to when the camera zooms in on the tennis ball hitting the line, or when the yellow yard line pops up while watching football), businesses both big and small are looking to take advantage of this increasingly ubiquitous technology.
(Reuters)-- Action - camera maker GoPro Inc's first - quarter revenue beat expectancies and it reported a smaller - than - expected loss on Thursday, profiting from competitive advertising of its cameras and controlling bills.
And I have eleventy - billion of these moments a day too, seemingly small, times when my breath catches and I have no camera or pen nearby so I'm going to have to rely on my something in my soul remembering it forever because it's a step up a mountain, a roll of the rock of my own stubbornness, and I don't have any gods at the top, pushing me back to the bottom, laughing at my futile efforts.
Arrogant, devious, mendacious, boyish and charming on - camera, rude and distant off - camera, Bakker surrounded himself with lieutenants who had been successful in the outside world but who became strangely compliant when they walked into Bakker's own rather small shadow.
Asuka did as good as possible to make it look like she kicked Sasha in the air; if she had not done the «kick maneuver» Sasha would have actually landed on Asuka (but angle of camera was such, that we saw an «obviously missed kick» and we talking now about a «botch») plus Sasha right away put her arms out in a way to land safely than make it look like a «harsh hit on the floor» with the small roll BUT at same time she did hit the top rope with her feet so either it was a not intentional slow down (most likely) or she was so good that she intentionally used top rope to slow herself down (unlikely but still possible)
The Mini 9 comes with a small mirror on the front of the camera for the perfect selfie.
To underscore the county's position, Charlotte, prior to an on - camera interview, was scolded by a small group of bureaucrats, including a ranking county attorney, about going beyond official channels in researching her story.
Small cameras are made for use on the go, and where power is not available, so it is important to choose one with a battery life that fits your needs.
You even have the option of filming video on a continuous loop, making the camera perfect for capturing security footage or as a small car dash cam.
Polaroid's Cube + Mini camera is small enough to be put in your pocket, yet large enough to handle excellent still photos and HD videos on your adventures.
One day before its comet encounter on the following July 4, the parent ship will release a «smart impactor» — an 820 - pound mass of copper and aluminum, equipped with a camera and small thrusters to help steer toward the target.
The OSU team used motion - triggered cameras to record bears, birds and small mammals eating red berries of devil's club, and retrieved DNA in saliva left on berry stalks to identify the species and sex of the bears.
A small spotlight on the landing area in the otherwise dark studio encouraged the spider to make the leap toward the camera.
«The brightest spot continues to be too small to resolve with our camera, but despite its size it is brighter than anything else on Ceres.
THE hobbyist was testing the camera on board his small uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV), when he spotted it: a creek in Dallas, Texas, running red with blood.
«With remorse we told all of them about our fictitious study on small mammals that have been equipped with transmitters and are being photographed by the camera on top of the boxes when passing close by.»
Just like a smaller aperture on a camera lens, a smaller pupil creates a deeper field of focus.
For the first time, a polarising infrared camera — never before used on Earth — has been made small and light enough to detect concealed oil spills
The company plans to develop smaller cameras that could be mounted on police cars or hand - held.
From that point on, everything grew smaller, sleeker, and faster: Tiny digital cameras replaced ancestral Polaroids, Zip disks cast out floppies, DVDs thrust aside videotape, and ever - slimmer cell phones and Palm Pilots proliferated.
The Kinect's relatively low - resolution 640 x 480 cameras will have to be upgraded, and the sensors will have to be scaled down to focus on the comparatively small area of surgery (compared to, you know, the giant living room the Kinect normally requires).
One approach is centered on a small camera called SenseCam, worn like a necklace, that snaps photographs automatically throughout the day.
CUP photographs an object with a specialty camera lens, which takes the photons from the object on a journey through a tube - like structure to a marvelous tiny apparatus called a digital micromirror device (DMD), smaller than a dime though hosting about 1 million micromirrors, each one just seven by seven microns squared.
Street after street echoes to blaring music advertising shops selling the latest consumer electronics gadgets: washing machines that run on fuzzy logic, ever smaller autofocus cameras, super-wide TVs, buttonless VCRs, this year's personal stereo design.
Walking trials were performed using a computer - controlled treadmill, and participants wore an accelerometer — a small box attached with a belt — and a set of reflective markers on their lower body that allowed for tracking of the participants» movements through a camera - based, motion - analysis system.
On April 20, 2006, two small sky - monitoring cameras thousands of miles apart — one in Chile, the other in the Canary Islands — both recorded a bright starlike spot of light that rotated with the heavens for about 10 minutes before vanishing.
To uncover this odd rule, ecologists set up a traffic camera on a small stretch of trail built by black - backed meadow ants (Formica pratensis, pictured).
macjohn is a neutral density filter on a DSLR with short exposures and small aperture enough to prevent damage to my camera?
A small processor that the person carries converts the camera's stream of video data into simple patterns of light and dark on a grid of 60 pixels.
In addition, MSSS cameras on Mars Global Surveyor (the Mars Orbiter Camera, MOC) and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (the Context Camera, CTX) acquired images of two small bodies in our Solar System: the martian satellites Phobos and Deimos.
At the same time that MSSS started work on the MGS MOC in the mid-1990s, the company was developing a very small, modular camera system for future spacecraft flight opportunities.
Arthroscopic surgery relies on small incisions through which a tiny camera and miniature instruments are inserted.
«This workout focuses on posture to give height / length on camera, shaping the shoulders and arms and accentuating a small, tight waist», says Ramona.
The doctor said that based on my history, they would need to perform a laparoscopy — or a small operation to insert a fiber - optic camera to see what was going on inside.
My hope is that a smaller camera will help me capture a little more of the everyday to share on my instagram and my blog too!
So I placed one big (and a few small) online orders in the sale and tried them on in front of the camera.
I've been meaning to do a Carrboro Cottage tour on the blog but want to get a wide angle lens because, since our place is so small, I hold the camera up and you can just see the wall.
For the girl on - the - go, the Snapshot Small camera bag carries all of your essentials and delivers a feminine playfulness to your looks.
I've found myself carrying just my trusty hobo wallet and usually throwing a small stash of jewelry in my camera bag to throw on as soon as I get out of work.
When I travel, I tend to carry one giant travel bag and a small carry on luggage that fits my laptop, camera, and essentials such as travel beauty products that I need for the plan.
While I usually take my camera equipment in a carry on when I fly (within the US), that's not always an option (small plane where no carry on other than my purse is allowed, travelling with too much computer / camera equipment to carry it all on, etc.).
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