Sentences with phrase «small can cause»

A leash that is too small can cause the dog to struggle with breathing and be uncomfortable, while one that is too large will let her wander off.
Cow hooves getting too small can cause serious problems as your Golden will swallow what's left, causing them later to throw it back up, or worse, it can become lodged which necessitates an emergency run to your vet.
A nipple that is too large or too small can cause your baby to swallow air.

Not exact matches

This timeliness and detail comes at a cost, however, as the small sample sizes of the LFS causes the estimates to have substantial standard errors (which can lead to some peculiar results at the provincial and CMA levels).
When the virus infects a pregnant woman, it can cause a variety of birth defects including microcephaly, where the baby's head is abnormally small.
In terms of economic policy, our empathy for the owners of smaller businesses can cause us to assume that what is good for them must automatically be good for the economy.
Exposure to nicotine, even in small amounts, can cause seizures, coma and fatal heart problems in children.
Finances aren't the only thing likely to cause small businesses strife, time - management can be a struggle too, the juggling of projects, products or orders posing perpetual problems.
Even the smallest of gestures or thoughts shared can cause a massive shift in another individual's perspective.
Instead of just the big, famous causes and their galas, Six Degrees is more focused on people who are in individual, smaller communities, or big cities, who need funding and can use the celebrity status to get noticed.
U.S. health officials have concluded that Zika infections in pregnant women can cause microcephaly, a birth defect marked by small head size that can lead to severe developmental problems in babies.
Many things can cause a small business to fail, but the most frequent reason is that the owner has failed to effectively differentiate his or her product or service from the competition.
Desktop Metal's printing systems contain both 3D printers that can produce small objects from metal powders and machines called sinters, which contain microwaves that heat the metal powders, causing them to become dense and usable.
Photocopiers are a source of potentially deadly ozone if the filter isn't periodically changed, and it's possible that even very small amounts can cause chest pain and irritation.
Collecting wins, no matter how small, can chemically wire you to move mountains by causing a repeated release of dopamine.
Even small mistakes can cause your company a bit of embarrassment that's best avoided.
MOVING from the security of the small primary school class group can often cause considerable anxiety to students starting high school.
Depending on the location of a business, disasters can mean different things, but ultimately, all disasters can cause significant disruptions in productivity for a small to medium - sized business.
Owners of small and medium - sized businesses often derive great satisfaction from handling these challenges, but the process can also cause headaches.
Margin investing can cause a person to sell a stock too early since small price decreases can turn into bigger losses on margin.
Poor equipment in particular can cause headaches for small businesses: Help yourself by fixing or replacing worn - out products next week and get some of that investment back in deductions that could return you money next year.
Avoiding smaller, less - stable firms results in lower volatility and a tilt toward value compared to our broad tech - industry benchmark index, and can cause other minor performance differences.
You can always make improvements — just a small tweak to a landing page could cause a 30 % increase in conversions.
apparently your lousy excuse for a god can't even get rid of something so small as a germ or bacteria that would cause such suffering for his children that he so - called loves.»
Follower... well... apparently your lousy excuse for a god can't even get rid of something so small as a germ or bacteria that would cause such suffering for his children that he so - called loves.
Burke's Tory counterpart Dr. Johnson shared an undeniably Lutheran view of human expectations when he rhymed: «How small, of all that human hearts endure, / That part which laws or kings can cause or cure.»
God can never be finally defeated, although our own small causes and purposes may well suffer such defeat.
the blood of the son of god is greater then mur and the biblea moral system its a gospel and a covenant that says we cant meet gods standard but jesus did, so everyone can be forgiven of anything if they recieve it form jesus od does nt say just cause u murdered your excluded to god sin is sin, the only difference is the level of boundary you break ad the consequence in this life, a liar gets a small consequence a murder will in this reap judgement, but to after this life god sees as we a sinned, jesus paid it all and he forgives everyone who believes in jesus for an they did
A hemophiliac will not bleed to death from a single small cut, but a bump or a fall can cause painful bleeding into muscles or joints.
As Samuel Johnson put it: «How small, of all that human hearts must endure, I That part which laws or kings can cause or cure!»
Samuel Johnson wisely observed, «How small the part of all that human hearts endure can laws or kings either cause or cure.»
I can't decide which is worse, their unwarranted triumphalism or the philosophical illiteracy that causes them to lionize such small - beer philosophers as Karl Popper.
Every church, large or small, is looking for that prophet who can dazzle a congregation every Sunday morning, who can make the coins ring in the coffers, who can cause a water shortage by baptizing converts.
In such societies, this picture of what it is to understand God tends to be best sustained in relatively small Christian communities that can retain a degree of communal identity in the midst of these social changes without moving to the margins of social turmoil and withdrawing from active participation in the reformist or revolutionary movements that cause the changes.
The point is not entirely lost in a small congregation either: Almost every church can allocate at least some money for causes that honest residents can not afford, by reason of poverty, to fund themselves.
Chaos theory now helps us to understand how small and unknown factors can be instrumental in causing significant change in natural phenomena.
This way as I travel though all of your small intestinal tracts, I can cause all you freaks upset stomach and diarrhea.
We don't use jam very often and I'm guilty of using more store - bought than homemade... fruit sweetened, of course I've got ta ask — do you have an insanely small cookie cutter to create those adorable strawberry and banana hearts?!? I'll have to check out that book, too — something else is causing trouble for me and maybe this book can help me a little.
Even miniscule amounts of gluten can be enough to cause damage to the small intestine for those with celiac disease.
Any small trace can cause a reaction.
These carbohydrates can cause an overgrowth of harmful bacteria and uncomfortable conditions of the gut such as small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
The severity of peanut allergies can be so great that even the smallest trace amount can cause a deathly reaction.
Another medical condition is Celiac's Disease which is true medical condition where wheat and gluten containing grains (barley, rye, spelt, non-certified oats) cause physical damage to the lining in the small intestines causing body to not absorb food and can also cause stomach pains.
Here's the rundown if you are interested: - outdated baking soda - overmixing the batter hinders rising and can cause sinking - if the batter stands too long before baking, it will sink in the middle - if your oven is too warm it can cause sinking: breads should not be baked at more than 350 degrees - too small of baking pan can cause the bread to sink in the middle - too much wet ingredients in the recipe or not measuring accurately can cause sinking
However, when consumed in large amounts, it can cause some people stomach upset so I tend to only use it for recipes that require just a small amount.
Stella McCartney said: «After five exciting years since the launch of MFM, we thank you for all your support and encourage more change, so we can do such a small thing for such a huge cause!
The bioactive compounds in cacao and cocoa can improve blood flow in the arteries and cause a small but statistically significant decrease in blood pressure.
Public Health England outline how councils can work with small businesses in the eating out of home sector to help tackle the causes of obesity by creating a healthier food environment.
Even a small change can cause big problems.
Instead it gets passed through the stomach and small intestine into the large intestine where bacteria begins to break it down, which can create little gas and cause some bloat.
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