Sentences with phrase «small compliment»

And let your child write small compliments on them to leave for other people.
Even doing tasks as small as getting flowers or giving small compliments can be good enough to show that you want a woman.
It may be difficult to begin after many criticisms of your ex, but you can start with small compliments, such as clothing, or a man's smile or eyes.
And I don't want to chirp too long on this because the discussion should be on d's beautiful cartoon (small compliment to the elegant original message),
OT: a small compliment, i do like such discussions and your comment now was a solid opinion from yours about the matter and thats the reason i liked justarsenal to discuss intelligently, and i think admin works really hard to uphold that, its not that i do nt get the wobs or just hate them altogether, i do find opinions such as this of you interesting the ones who i have problem with are guys like soopa, rkw, lockay, km, ks - gunner etc..
But — and this is no small compliment — it's also hard to not compare them to the undefeated 2004 Auburn team.
Sometimes when someone is having a bad day, a small compliment can really boost their day!
I love seeing what can happen starting from just a small compliment.
The smallest compliment or gesture can make the biggest difference to someone.
And besides, if you've only been out together a few times, maybe you're just making them nervous — take it as a small compliment!
You can also make a small compliment as an opener, but don't push it too far — thai girls also know what cheesiness is.
It is no small compliment to note the unshakable confidence of Blanchett's performance.
This isn't a small compliment
Overall, «Zero Dark Thirty» isn't boring, but that's a small compliment for an Oscar nominated movie.
This was no small compliment, as this reviewer was Dr Alison Baverstock, senior lecturer in the MA in Publishing at Kingston University and all - round publishing guru.
Factor in the small compliment of maps at launch, many of which will be subsequently added in post-launch via free DLC, and you've got a game that arguably asks a lot for its RRP.
That could mean that when they write back confirming the interview, they might mention a small compliment about the person who introduced them.
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