Sentences with phrase «small decisions»

At this age, kids can also start making small decisions on their own.
On the contrary, if she sees you are able to make all sorts of small decisions around her, firmly and with resolve, she is going to literally love you for that.
There are also seemingly small decisions that can turn out to have a rather significant impact.
Tip: This is a great book club choice, likely to provoke a lot of discussion about regret, redemption, and how life is impacted by small decisions and actions.
But when it comes to the myriad small decisions in life, we've found that sticking by your partner and supporting their choices is more important than keeping them from making mistakes.
Each parent has the right to make small decisions for the child while the child is residing with him or her.
Nevertheless, you should be able to make small decisions on your own.
Just one small decision like that and I don't exist.
Many of the points in my outline are minor, but clarity in drafting is in large measure a function of the cumulative effect of countless small decisions.
While failure may not seem like a choice, it becomes a choice through smaller decisions that led to the plan not working.
It can be used with families after a divorce to reduce conflict between parents as they attempt to negotiate both big and small decisions related to the parenting of their children.
When core values are real, big decisions become easy, and small decisions compound to provide huge impact.
You can put some sense of control back into your child's life by allowing him to make small decisions whenever possible.
Start practicing by making small decisions quicker, like ordering faster off restaurant menus, and work your way up to larger ones.
Thus I look for information to help me make small decisions easier.
Roughly 65 percent of small decision makers are up a night considering potential problems or issues facing their operations, revealed the opinion poll.
Driving requires making lots of big and small decisions quickly and correctly, and that requires confidence in your driving skills.
As you embrace this new habit, you may find that you have more power to lead the company towards a new goal one small decision at a time.
Seeing the bigger picture will help you make smaller decisions along the way.
All couples make small decisions daily without consulting each other.
The parents make big decisions together and smaller decisions individually when they have physical custody of the child.
Small decisions now will make huge directional changes over the course of the coming years.
It is amazing how your entire life can change based on a seemingly small decision.
It doesn't come from one brilliant idea, but from a bunch of small decisions that accumulate over the years.
All you need to do is keep making small decisions each day, to choose body love over body hate.
However, in general, Whitehead directs us to think of numerous small decisions extending over a considerable period of time.
So yes, it's obvious David Cage has been watching a lot of Blade Runner, but the opening chapter that serves as a demo still manages to capture how small decisions can often have big impacts on the story to come.
But the wonder is in the close - up vignettes, the pressures of leading a marching army of cold, hungry recruits, and the ever - present weight of having to make seemingly small decisions with unforeseeable consequences.
Breaking it down into smaller decisions helps me feel more compassionate toward both «sides.»
As I grew older, I realized he actually guided me like a puppet, but because he listened to me and shared with me his own experiences along life's way and then allowed me to start making small decisions as a child first, then increasing my freedom gradually as I grew older, it allowed him to be there when I did make foolish mistakes along the way and pick me up, dust me off and give me to confidence to go forward again.
At a recent speaking event he said people can glean a wealth of knowledge by making several small decisions every day over the course of years, while watching how coworkers conduct themselves.
OLIVER is jus making up for the fa cup final Arsenal won, sometimes in that game it looked like too many small decision went against hull that shouldn't have n 75 % games not against big teams tho we won wt him in charge, the only big team that failed to win against us wt oliver is man city
Fountain's tracking of the myriad small decisions people made that fateful day — that either put them in harm's way or kept them safe — is meticulous.
It's awesome to channel your energy toward reaching a big, bold something out in the future — and I encourage you to do that — but a true commitment is a big decision to make a lot of the right small decisions.
If you're a power monger, start by sharing small decisions that don't really matter.
Small decisions seem insignificant because they don't seem to add much value, but they snowball and lead up to BIG decisions.
I have come to realize that the big decision of buying a family abode is comprised of a few smaller decisions:
«As a society,» she says, «there are many enormous decisions that we have to make, and there are many very small decisions we have to make.»
While the mandate of parenting coordinators may vary somewhat from case to case, their focus is on the small daily decisions the parents must make about their children — precisely the same small decisions that provide so much conflict and increasing loads on the court system.
Deciding where to live, if you're going to have children, and who takes out the garbage are some of the big and small decisions newlyweds have to make together after the wedding gifts are put away and they're ready to start their lives together.
The game is one of the few that can communicate the incredible pressure that leaders are under as they try to ensure survival for those they are in charge of and how hard it is to make even small decisions when lives hang in the balance.
Seemingly small decisions in a case can end up making or breaking a case.
Rather than one big mistake, the disaster likely was the result of numerous small decisions that caused normality to shift and that ultimately caused a fatal explosion.
Artist Statement: Each day we are faced with countless small decisions, many of which become second nature or habit over time.
While we might prefer to make a single dramatic sacrifice as an expression of our commitment, usually the way of faithfulness involves laying down our lives in little pieces, through small decisions and unremarkable acts of kindness and generosity.
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