Sentences with phrase «small distances between»

Searches for markers of disease genes can be done without genetic maps of the relative order and distance between markers, but will be more efficient as maps with small distances between markers (high resolution maps) become available in the future.
Smaller distances between players allows them to exchange passes at a shorter length, and as the ball moves quickly between positions, it's difficult for the defenders to get close enough to tackle their man.
beta - GeSe's rare «boat» form is likely stabilized by the slightly smaller distance between its layers, while black phosphorus and alpha - GeSe exist in standard «chair» conformations.
That said, it's still very good, images look bright and vibrant, helped by a small distance between glass and display that makes it feel like you have a physical connection to the content you're manipulating.

Not exact matches

He says some red flags include the use of multiple corporate entities to put legal distance between franchisor and franchisee, and a heavy reliance on the Canada Small Business Financing program.
They calculated that the energy of particles within the simulation is related to the distance between the points of the lattice and that the smaller the lattice size, the greater the energy that the particles can have.
Indeed the infinitely active and inexhaustible nature of the subjects of theology reduces to relatively small significance the distance between the more and less mature members of the community of inquiry.
Now Rodgers keeps the distance small between his ordinary past and his outsized present.
SH: People forget that the distance between you and the audience is pretty small in reality.
If there is a park with a huge distance between the bigger and smaller kids sections I will try to avoid that park.
The ideological distance between Labour members and MPs is in fact smaller than that between Conservative members and MPs.
The change in distance between Earth and one of these pulsars is staggeringly small: about one part in a quadrillion.
The mutual gravitational attraction between two galaxies at that distance is too small to have a significant effect, so the galaxies more or less follow the general flow of the expansion.
The distance between the ant and us, scientifically speaking, is comparable to the distance between us and a civilization that can manipulate the Planck energy [required to probe very small distances and operate a time machine].
But small chips packing photon detectors, generators and these memory devices could serve as a kind of photon pit stop between optical fibers, to help quantum messages go the distance.
As the scanner pokes its prey (here, a small, green plastic frog) with a needle - like probe driven by a tiny motor, a light sensor detects contact between probe and object with an accuracy of 30 micrometers, and a linear actuator translates the rotation of the Lego gears into linear distance at a resolution of 6.25 micrometers.
However, the distance between atoms is very small, at about 100 picometer, and the bonding is completed very quickly, taking less than one picosecond (ps).
This link between tensor networks, entanglement and gravity may prove useful in studying the physics of black holes or in investigating the quantum nature of spacetime at very small distances, Orús proposes.
No telescope yet can spatially distinguish an exoplanet from its star; the distance between them is too small and the brightness contrast too large.
Unfortunately, the variation in distance between the two satellites is so small that in the early 1960s it would have been virtually impossible to detect using any technology then available.
But as two electrically charged droplets come close to each other, the spheres begin to warp — and at very short distances, a small bridge of fluid forms between the drops.
The smaller of the new planets, dubbed Gliese 581 c, orbits at one fourteenth the distance between Earth and the sun.
To test the concept, scientists have built two small satellites called cubesats that will practice lining up in orbit to construct a single telescope with a focal length as large as the distance between them.
Because of the small separation in the system — the distance between Centauri b and its star is just 5 percent the distance of between Earth and the Sun — the same side of the planet faces Proxima Centauri at all times, much like the same side of the Moon faces Earth at all times.
Experiments with this DNA origami positioning device showed that it could be capable of precisely placing molecules, adjusting the distance between them in steps as small as the radius of a hydrogen atom.
The spatial elongation of nuclei in a vibration is much smaller than the distance between atoms, the latter being determined by the distribution of electrons.
The team calculated that the motion of particles within their simulation, and thus their energy, is related to the distance between the points of the lattice: the smaller the grid size, the higher the energy particles can have.
The new images home in on a region around the black hole less than 4.2 light - years across — smaller than the distance between the sun and its nearest star, says Roopesh
The distance between the two rings (pulling the esophagus in opposite directions) was increased by small, 2.5 - millimeter increments each day for 8 to 9 days.
Considering the mountaineering example again, this means that we take the averages of climbers when they are at resting locations like the peak or in a valley, where the distances between them are smallest
Next to each mark on the fabric make another small stain using ketchup, keeping at least two inches distance between the ink and the ketchup.
In the latest research the researchers used data from previous fracking operations to measure the distance between the furthest detected microseismic event — a small earthquake caused by hydraulic fracturing of the rock or fault reactivation — and the injection point in the fracking borehole.
Electrons race through the metal with a speed of several million meters per second, and the distance they have to cover between two adjacent atoms is very small.
Essentially, the JL lemma showed that for any finite collection of points in high dimension, there is a collection of points in a much lower dimension which preserves all distances between the points, up to a small amount of distortion.
Each nostril is smaller than the distance between the two, which means that they inhale air from two distinct regions of space, allowing the dog to decipher the direction of a scent.
Because all the stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud have approximately the same distance to us, the observed relationship between apparent brightness and period implies that there is an equivalent relationship between absolute brightness and oscillation period.
That distance translates into only a twentieth of the mean distance between the Earth and the Sun — an extraordinarily small area.
Even at such small distances there is no measurable cross-over between spots.
This instrument consists of a conductive tip that is placed at such a small distance from a conductive sample that a current flows between the tip and the sample.
Increasing the maximum distance between the antennas increases the resolving power of the interferometer, allowing it to detect smaller details.
Their small size also allows for better tissue penetration and decreases the distance between a fluorescent tag and the target antigen to about 2 nm, which can lead to higher resolution for super-resolution microscopy.
A sensor measures the current flow, which decreases as the distance between the pipette and sample becomes smaller, and monitors the distance between the pipette and the sample to obtain the topology.
The results included two, roughly Earth - sized planets and two smaller planets, where their orbital distance ranged between that of Mercury (0.4 AU) and Mars (1.5 AU).
When corrected for distance, the time «gap» between a top female and male Ironman triathlon finisher is much smaller than that between a top female and male 100m sprinter.
I began with a large pearl in the centre of each ribbon - and - braid length, and glued on progressively smaller pearls, keeping an equal distance between them.
«Most dating platforms and apps use a very traditional method of communicating - there is a bunch of small talk, heaps of distance between users and not everyone's intentions for being on the app are very clear,» Diana and Neda tell ENTITY, by e-mail.
With the exception of an intriguing scene in which an eager crowd places bets on a dogfight between a pit bull and a smaller MTR, the humans seldom interact directly with these enormous E.T.s. Just imagine how dull «Jurassic Park» would be if the dinosaurs were seen exclusively in the far distance, as the paleontological safari intended, rather than endangering the characters in close proximity.
With the distance between schools and small classroom size, we face many of the same challenges that affect rural schools all over the world when it comes to the provision and breadth of curricular choices.
The magnitudes of the associations between functional zone overlap and math interactions were somewhat smaller than they were for walking distance, although still statistically distinguishable from zero.
And the effective distance between grade levels is smaller in middle and high school than it is in elementary school.
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