Sentences with phrase «small effect size»

The main effect of processed food on hyperactivity had an overall small effect size (η p 2 = 0.001), with a moderate between - group effect size for EOP and Low CP trajectories (G = 0.23).
As small effect size differences were found, further studies are needed to investigate the long - term impact of early unhealthy diet.
It is important, however, to interpret this moderator effect in the light of its small effect size.
As a small effect size is expected with a universal sample, the size of the pilot trial is 128 mothers.
Even though the trial was powered to detect a small effect size, only modest improvements in parenting risks were found, but no impact on child behavior at follow - up time points of 18, 24, or 36 months was found.
According to Cohen's rules of thumb [38], a correlation coefficient of 0.10 corresponds to a small effect size.
Parents» stress about their competence in parenting (PSI - C) significantly decreased at posttest, 2 - month, and 1 - year follow - up with a small effect size.
A small effect size was also observed (partial eta squared = 0.05).
Adolescents who reported exclusively romantic sexual relationships (n = 1,891) shared more emotional, but not social, activities with their partners than adolescents who were in non-romantic sexual relationships (n = 315; small effect size, r =.07 — .13), akin to adolescents who experienced both relationship types (n = 519; small - to - medium effect size, r =.18 — .38).
Results indicated pretest and posttest scores on the substance use and related problems showed slight improvements for both the SFBT and control groups based on the ASI - SR in all subscales, except for the family / relationship status subscale for control group which showed an increase in mean score and small effect size in the opposite desired direction.
For example, as expected, the scales for optimism, self - concept, and satisfaction with life correlated strongly positively with each other, and negatively with sadness and worries, whereas the scales of empathy and prosocial behavior exhibited correlations of small effect size with sadness and worries, and small to moderate ones with optimism, self - concept, and satisfaction with life.
Although bullying had a small effect size, it showed a highly significant SET / No - SET - by - years interaction.
The preference for attending to DDS in experiment 1 was associated with a large effect size (η2 = 0.563), yet the same comparison in experiment 2 yielded a very small effect size (η2 < 0.001).
The proximity preference for the DDS speaker in experiment 1 was associated with a medium effect size (η2 < 0.156), yet the same comparison in experiment 2 yielded a small effect size (η2 = 0.038).
Soe et al. (2000) found a small effect size of.132 for reading achievement and the use of computer technologies.
Take memorisation, when you first encounter something memorisation has a very, very small effect size.
Lead author Corina Greven says: «The specific genes involved in academic self - confidence remain to be identified, but we expect them to be many genes of small effect size, and their effects will be probabilistic rather than deterministic.
«We believe that RS - based SNP prioritization may provide guidance for more targeted and powered approach to detecting the disease - associated SNPs with small effect size,» he concluded.
However, because of the extremely small effect size of the BD risk (i.e., odds ratio ~ 1.2), Prof. Nakao Iwata says, «a large number of risk genes are still unidentified.
Specifically, claims of success were based on reports that omitted important factors for student learning and test score outcomes and utilized crude data supported by isolated, small effect sizes.
The meta - analyses showed the most pronounced effect sizes for parent — child interaction and maternal sensitivity, whereas the effects on child behaviour and cognitive development were either small or not significant; however, small effect sizes can have meaningful impact on population - level outcomes.60 The non-significant outcomes for internalising and externalising behaviours were also small, but may be clinically relevant for large, at - risk populations.
Intention - to - treat analysis replicated the results, although with smaller effect sizes.
The evidence base suggests that while Responding in Peaceful and Positive Ways (RIPP) showed promising results with urban African American school children (see Study 1), the program showed inconsistent results with small effect sizes when administered to schools in a rural setting with majority white schoolchildren (see Study 2).
These differences correspond to an effect size of d = 0.16 and d = 0.15 respectively, which are considered as small effect sizes.
It should be noted that even small effect sizes, such as the link between authoritarian control and delinquency can have substantively important consequences.
They found that significantly larger effect sizes were reported for students aged 14 to 17 (effect size = 0.53), while smaller effect sizes were reported for students aged 6 to 9 (effect size = 0.06)
Path coefficients ranged from -.21 to.26, reflecting small effect sizes.
Cuijpers (2003) indicates that the low base rate of depression in children and adolescents and small effect sizes for universal trials, make it difficult to detect effects without a substantial number of participants.
For curative interventions, a moderating effect was found for type of outcome (smaller effect sizes were found for studies using self - report data obtained from parents compared to studies using official reports).
For curative interventions, smaller effect sizes were found for interventions focusing on empowerment (trend significant).
This lack of differences and associated small effect sizes, the low rate of attrition, and our data analytic approach (full information maximum likelihood estimation), which permitted inclusion of cases with missing data, suggest that missing data likely had a limited impact on our findings.
Smaller effect sizes were found for interventions focusing on empowerment (d =.203 versus d =.440; trend significant difference).
Third, parents» own inattention and hyperactivity symptoms significantly reduced (small effect sizes).
Medium effect sizes were found on conflict, social orientation and the FRI; small effect sizes were found on cohesion, expressiveness, organization and the FSI.
So, in primary studies examining the effect of a preventive intervention and in which official records are used produce rather small effect sizes.
Third, our sample size was small to moderate, and therefore, the power to uncover small effect sizes may have been limited.
For example, Hampson et al.'s (2001) meta - analysis of interventions found very small effect sizes (mean = − 0.15) interventions on self - management among adolescents with type 1 diabetes compared with greater effects (M = 0.37) on psychosocial outcomes, such as family adjustment.
Previous meta - analyses that included only RCT designs generally showed smaller effect sizes than meta - analysis including both RCTs and quasi-experimental designs, which is in line with the findings of our meta - analysis.
Further, there was a significant reduction of the parental inattention and hyperactivity / impulsivity symptoms on the ARS, with small effect sizes (ES =.36 and.48 respectively).
Among the several components they examined, maternal positive affect during the interactions had the smallest effect size (Lovejoy et al. 2000).
No other significant differences were found between 6 and 12 months follow - up, with small effect sizes indicating that the significant post-intervention changes in child and parenting measures were maintained.
Notably, the typically developing classmates also showed improved peer sociometric functioning in the MOSAIC condition relative to in the comparison condition, albeit with smaller effect sizes than did the children with ADHD [73].
Only two of the five effect sizes regarding PSS: NICU subscales indicated that mothers scored slightly higher than fathers, with negligible to small effect sizes.
The results indicate that parents of preterm - born children experience only slightly more stress than parents of term - born children, with small effect sizes.
This allowed for assessing relatively small effect sizes within a narrow confidence interval.

Not exact matches

The company said the nation - wide move is in response to customers» desires for smaller sizes, and to prepare for Ontario's Making Healthier Choices Act, which takes effect in 2017.
Banz thought that takeovers aided smaller companies, but the «size effect» was not fully explained.
Will certain verification standards have the effect of pushing up a typical, minimum angel investment size, even as the proliferation of accredited crowdfunding platforms is taking angel investing in the opposite direction, i.e., smaller investments per investor per deal, and the spreading of an individual angel's investment capital over a broader portfolio?
Soon after its discovery in 1981, the size effect reversed for the balance of the century in most countries, with smaller stocks underperforming large ones.
Thus, I established that the rise was temporary, an effect of smaller - sized market participants, and the big money is still selling the stock.
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