Sentences with phrase «small encounters»

Just don't let yourself hate everything they do just because of a few small encounters.
In this first week, it was interesting to see that brokerages big and small encounter issues with account opening and delays getting things up and running.
I'm thankful that I don't have to stress out about my child being exposed to nuts in the classroom because it only takes one small encounter for an allergic child to have a reaction that could be fatal.
The campaign, which supports up to four players cooperatively, is the tightest narrative of the series, and thanks to the frequent flashbacks set piece battles can be set up without always needing to slog through small encounters before getting to the meat and potatoes of the mission.
After a few small encounters, the audience was shown a short vehicle segment where Hooper took the reigns of a fully loaded deathmobile complete with machine gun turrets and missile launchers, which looked incredibly satisfying to use.
The section of the game we got to play through was a small encounter in a zoo being terrorized by a mysterious group of armed men.
There's a lock - on system present and it's fantastic during boss battles or small encounters, but in larger battles focusing on just one enemy at a time proves to be an unwise decision as it leaves you open to attacks off - screen that you just can't see coming.
On why he is based in the 6th smallest country in the world, Malahov, notes the small encounter with a princess of Liechtenstein in 2016 made him consider the small country the best choice for his new development.
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