Sentences with phrase «small experiences»

The phrase "small experiences" refers to events or situations that are not significant, important or life-changing. Full definition
This great variety of smaller experiences, at a decent price, can hold players over until a particular first, or third party title arrives.
The point I'm trying to make is that all businesses great and small experience tough times.
And if you can have more small experiences, you can empower tens of millions of entrepreneurs to become chefs, to become musicians and artists — and they can give lessons.
The cycles are interrupted when the couple begins small experiences of mutual - feeding.
Most of the times, major conflicts have formed the basis of games in the strategy or shooter genre, but there have been smaller experiences inspired by less known historical events.
I hope that my own small experience encourages that.
Such small experiences will boost your confidence and make you trust yourself in any crunch situations and you learn that you are much more capable that you had ever imagined.
«They're about expanding small experience,» she says.
all of this means that almost all the players we get did not have or are with small experience which means we did n`t get champ league players (this last fact should understand intelligent fans or football viewers)
The subjects of Myong Hi Kim's oil pastel painting range from small experiences of everyday life to dark memories of Korean history.
I had a very small experience of bumping into someone in trouble in a grocery store, and I tried to give her a little help, dropped her off and left.
We experienced a smaller
- six missions described as bridge content - these pop up after completing story missions based on the film - they're optional, and require that players collect a certain amount of gold bricks before they're unlocked - these are full - fledged missions, not smaller experiences - one of these missions will explain how C - 3PO got his red - arm replacement
Current information seems to back up the fact that Nintendo will start with delivering smaller experiences designed to motivate players to stay on the company's gaming consoles.
It's a first for the series, but not for developer Naughty Dog, who has experimented with this one - off style with experiences like The Last of Us: Left Behind — an experiment that gave the studio the confidence to experiment with smaller experiences, says game director Kurt Margenau.
Here are various ways to support Friday Night Lights moments,, moving from smaller experiences to big moments.
The introduction of a new gameplay device, in our case the PlayStation VR, sometimes brings with it a variety of smaller experiences that focus on a single idea or mechanic.
If done right, small experiences can create truly sticky content.
There are also a variety of other sites that may provide a smaller experience but are just as effective, as well as niche sites that get more specific.
The chests normally lead to nothing but a small experience gain or a hat.
Argumentative essay is one hell of a writing for a student with a small experience, as well as a persuasive essay.
A company that has small experience can not survive in a competitive environment.
The second thing is that traveling just reminds me that I can be happy with the small experiences.
I'd love to go back and visit that kind of control scheme but make it a smaller experience.
If so, sounds like this guy really likes the smaller experiences.
Despite being a spin - off the game will not be a smaller experience - the campaign map previously has been compared in size to Shogun 2, which Creative Assembly are now calling «the most detailed Total War campaign map ever made».
A small experience can be an entertaining one, if done correctly.
The meat of the experience was The Lab, a series of small experiences and mini games designed to show off what the Vive can do.
Bundling a selection of smaller experiences — including The London Heist and Into the Deep — into a single package, PlayStation VR Worlds stands to become the PlayStation VR's Wii Sports or Sports Champions of the PlayStation VR HMD.
Elite Dangerous gets a smaller sibling in this new, smaller experience that ties into the core game
I feel so lucky to have shared this small experience with him.»
A wide variety of titles, ranging from small experiences to massive blockbusters, are available for substantially less.
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