Sentences with phrase «small flash of light»

Similarly, players with sight disabilities might have trouble perceiving the small flashes of light that indicate which direction they are being shot from, in single - player as well as in multiplayer formats.

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The idea of keeping your boisterous bub in a small confined space where he is surrounded by flashing lights and beeping noises (i.e. a traditional walker) to keep him occupied is certainly inviting.
This small light packs in a lot of features, including high, low, and medium beam settings, an «SOS» flashing white light, a red flashing light, and a steady red beam.
A small fraction will hit an atomic nucleus inside Super-Kamiokande and so create a distinctive flash of light.
Scientists have identified the source of mysterious flashes of cosmic radio waves known as fast radio bursts (FRBs): a surprisingly small galaxy more than 3 billion light - years away.
Though the delicate touch I gave my eye yielded just one small flash, Wolfe said that when the eye is struck by something less forgiving — like a swinging door or Ira Blitz — many parts of the retina may be stimulated simultaneously, giving rise to a whole constellation of light.
Scientists have identified the source of mysterious flashes of cosmic radio waves known as fast radio bursts: a surprisingly small galaxy more than 3 billion light - years away.
Other useful properties of synchrotron light are: - high energy beams to penetrate deeper into matter - small wavelengths permit the studying of tiny features, e.g. bonds in molecules; nanoscale objects - synchrotron beams can be coherent and / or polarised, permitting specific experiments - the synchrotron beam can be made to flash at a very high frequency, giving the light a time structure.
I do have some sinus issues, and I still get a small aura (where I see flashes of light) in the morning, but that has gotten less severe, too.
One of the best reviewed films of the year (it placed fourth in our our survey), Haynes excels in the smallest moments, the tactile particulars of period wardrobe, the longing in a look, the flashes of light across a window, charged details that accumulate an emotional power that pushes the film far beyond its sketchy social problem film plot toward a devastatingly romantic transcendence.
I would recommend keeping plenty of extra batteries for your flash lights, since they are small and cheap.
There's a small ting and little flash of white light to indicate an incoming attack, but you actually have to wait just a split second after that to hit the button.
It plays a lot like pachinko (or The Price Is Right's Plinko game) but instead of dropping balls into a loud machine with bright flashing lights, you're terrorizing a small town at the foot of a mountain by knocking down a boulder, directing the giant rock into smashing cars, trees, animals, and even small aircraft along the way.
Though minimal, this presentation compared favourably with Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton's small survey of Pierre Huyghe, where an albino polyfibre penguin nestled upside down on the ceiling, adjacent to Huyghe's A Journey That Wasn't (2005), a Sturm und Drang record of a trip to an island formed from melting Antarctic ice, the form of which the artist tried to translate into a musical score, then performed by full orchestra on an New York ice - rink, occasionally lit by flashes of light.
The piece itself is dignified and contemplative; small red lights affixed to the beveled corners of a bright yellow box flash in sequence, evoking jeweled Byzantine metalwork.
Important Health Warning: Photosensitive Seizures A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games.
The rear microphone hole is a bit smaller and the True Tone flash now consists of four LEDs that collectively put out more light.
There is also a light ring at the top of the Echo and Echo Plus to indicate when Alexa is listening, while the Sonos One has a small LED light to show when the microphone is on and a status light that flashes on the top of the device when it is listening to a command.
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