Sentences with phrase «small folk games»

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Many people have complained that City Folk offered little more than the previous versions and the 3DS game needs to be more than just a small update.
How can smaller players be expected to compete on the same team as the traditional folks when they often can't even afford a ticket to the game?
The main game is a complete experience, but we know folks will want more, so we have had a small additional team working to create additional content.
Folks remember if copying camera transforms to other games via the cameraSettings.txt file, you'll need to make translation units x10 smaller.
Many people have complained that City Folk offered little more than the previous versions and the 3DS game needs to be more than just a small update.
An exciting murder puzzle game as you slider killers across small rooms to take out common folk through straight attack or traps.
Regardless of the methods used by Noodle (a snake that — shockingly — moves around exactly like one would) to get his game approved by the platforming police, one thing is for sure: by placing the unlikely hero in settings that have all staples of the genre — like gaps, moving pieces, water, tall structures that need to be climbed, fire pits, deadly spikes, and small platforms — the folks at Sumo Digital unearthed an incredibly original concept with such an inborn simplicity that it is sort of uncanny nobody had ever thought about it (or maybe someone had done so but ended up being stopped by mysterious dark forces).
That's a class act, folks - and we hope that they'll continue to promote great games and support indie devs despite the actions of several small - minded, pathetic parasites.
With a soundtrack that is a melancholy fusion of Bluegrass and classic Folk accompanying tales penned by an eclectic group of writers, this game uses small - scale stories to build an overall narrative that is as epic as the factual history of America as a whole.
Each NFL game has a small army of professionals working off the field to make sure that the game stays fair and runs smoothly so the folks at home with their beer and wings get the game they deserve.
These are the only folks (the old - timers with back - then forward - looking discipline to keep costs down as they lived out their time in small, now outdated, domiciles) who do OK over the long haul in the real estate game; they never looked at real estate ownership as a money - making game to be played to win.
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