Sentences with phrase «small habits»

I'm a HUGE fan of small habit change and tiny victories — walking is the PERFECT habit builder.
The power of small habits that turn into big rewards.
Huge goals can be achieved by making small habit changes in the beginning.
This is lesson one: Smaller habits require smaller activation energies and that makes them more sustainable.
With time and small habit changes you can make your home more harmonious and less conflict - driven.
We started incorporating small habit changes into Alumnify and saw great results.
I've focused on small habits and transformed myself from Steve Rogers to Captain America:
TIP: I recommend doing a 7 day or 10 day detox a few times a year, and then also incorporating small habits into your day - to - day that help your body with its daily detoxification processes.
Think about small habits that you can improve that will help you work toward your big goal, such as waking up earlier to work out in the morning, eliminating your late afternoon junk - food meal in front of the TV, or reminding yourself to drink more water.
Small habit adjustments such as taking short, refreshing breaks or changing your location once in awhile, can help to realign your focus.
As a behaviour change expert, Dr. Lisa Belanger helps you to implement the seemingly small habit changes that can have a profound impact on your well - being, productivity, and happiness.
(Incorporating small habits increases the chance that you'll actually do them.)
Small habits like this help you to connect to your partner and minimize the risk of slowly disengaging from the relationship.
This is the perfect time to implement an easy and small habit change that will help you reach your goals:
Instead, my wins and losses for the year came down to small habits that when repeatedly executed over time led to monumental results.
Even thinking about the day ahead while in the shower can be a small habit with big payoff,» he insists.
«It's the small habits that count.
As you're reviewing this year and looking ahead to 2018, commit to these five small habits to have a more productive and healthier year.
The smaller the habit, the less energy you need to start.
In reality, you just made a small change, but it's the small habit changes that we make that lead to our success.
«No joke — many of my clients found this small habit powerful enough that they no longer felt they needed therapy.»
You build the small habits quickly.
The small habits of making small, but highly effective, nutritional substitutions.
Having those small habits in place add up in the end.
Start by adopting the right dating habits — here's 7 small habits that can make a BIG difference in your love life:
I found myself taking up small habits that brought me closer to my late husband (listening to his favorite radio station instead of mine, when in the car, for example).
Here are 14 small habits to get into and changes you can make to your home to cut down on the utility costs.
Establishing and maintaining good credit is a lifelong endeavor, and the sooner you can improve on your smaller habits, the larger the positive impact can be.
This Ecochallenge is one more opportunity to change small habits that make a big difference to our environment and fosters a spirit of responsibility and gratitude... I started composting at my husband's urging this summer, but I hated having the compostables sitting on the counter until someone walked them out to the composter in the backyard.
She helped me with resume structure, what to look for in the job you want, and small habits to form to boost your career.
Change isn't hard, it's about finding the small habits that will create the domino effect on the rest of your life.
You can add to it by describing in one line one way students, parents, teachers, and staff could call attention to or initiate a small habit for cultivating safety, caring and respect for one another.
Remember, it is these small habits that can actually make or break a marriage.
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