Sentences with phrase «small human»

Upon even closer inspection, hundreds of small human hairs appear to be the thread that is attaching the tunic to the table.
Babies are small human beings who learn language and how to manage themselves from the large human beings in their lives.
Although small human trials have shown good results, producing and delivering such a vaccine won't be cheap.
While it is important to remember that dogs and cats are not small humans, some relationships between cancer in people and pets have been seen.
Especially the toughest job of all — raising small humans.
Now that we have two small humans under our charge, date night is a huge event that is planned weeks, sometimes months, in advance.
Secondly... how am I going to pay for my own small human?
The experts have been torn on the origin of these exceedingly small humans.
No, I'm not really talking about our little cookie (20 month old small human) but me.
If your kids are anything like the average small humans, they might be glued to screens all day, or maybe they are constantly whining that they are bored.
Which solves that small human nature problem quite neatly.
Okay, so you got through the pregnancy and you're finally home with two small human beings... now what?
(3) In small human performance studies, the performance results of high fat (ketogenic) diets are mixed.
At home, she spends time with her own two ridiculous mutts, enjoys the company of two tabby cats, and is a raising four small humans with a very, very understanding husband.
NIH officials have said that the same group of scientists working on dengue has already come up with some vaccine candidates for Zika that should be ready for small human tests this summer.
Research shows that L - theanine helps curb a rising heart rate and blood pressure, and a few small human studies have found that it reduces anxiety.
Falk says the new findings challenge the idea that, starting around 5,000 years ago, states reduced rates of violence and war deaths characteristic of earlier, much smaller human groups (SN: 8/10/13, p. 10).
The ministry attacked the council for asking it to prioritize the Ideas grants over the much smaller Human Resources grants, which tend to benefit younger researchers.
Finally, by including relatively small human figures in their works or not including humans at all, they were demonstrating ideas about humanity's connection to the larger natural world and reminding us that the natural world exists outside of human endeavors.
With charmingly deadpan humor, Aki Sasamoto's performances and installations tease out just how small human existence is; despite our more evolved intellect, advanced motor skills, and ability to read and appreciate Proust, we're all basically rats at heart, just with the added bonus of self - reflection and a love for rosé.
C. Let's think big picture here: Small humans learn how and what to eat in those cafeterias.
«With a little distension of their throats, those things could swallow small humans very well,» Witton adds.
For a series otherwise grounded in small human moments, Better Things spends too much time asking the audience to sympathize with the plight of an upper - middle - class white actress who's biggest problems seem to be that she's occasionally passed up for the likes of Julie Bowen and Rachel McAdams.
Ms Lekalakala and Ms McDaid, who were both active in the anti-apartheid struggle, represent two small human rights groups.
While environmental activists and some politicians claim «the debate is over» and call for immediate action to reduce man - made greenhouse gas emissions, others say the science points to only a very small human impact — too small to warrant concern — and the costs of trying to prevent global warming far exceed the benefits.
This sounds like the perfect meal solution for those days where I am weary of the constant need to feed small humans, and have not been able to bring myself to think of dinner until 5:30 pm.
When she is not chasing small humans and vaccuming up her kids» toys Kristin enjoys watching BRAVO, eating cheese and drinking craft beer.
There is no actual party going on here these days unless it involves Disney, shitty sheet cake and mass quantities of small humans running around the living room, but it is spring break nonetheless.
I like walks and playing outside, but am still learning this whole family dog business, so I will need a person / family that is willing to work on this with me and probably without small humans running around, the older ones I can handle.
Even when reaching for the operatic, he keeps the focus on small human foibles: a cellphone going off at a funeral; a car parked who knows where; a teenager (Lucas Hedges, in what should be a star - making breakout turn) whose mourning process is no more preoccupying than his desperate attempts to get some alone time with his girlfriend.
Tyson just because you now prefer your much smaller human version, then that makes you a terrible dog owner.
Solution: This nifty little bottle sock is called Ba Baby Botte Holder and will, with its clever lose mesh design give small human hands easy grip of the otherwise pretty hard grasped tubular bottle.
With homeschooling, keeping 3 small humans alive and running my business being the priorities, generally the housework and yard suffer.
The arid Atacama Desert, thought to be a barrier to early South American settlers, may have held lakes large enough to sustain small human populations, according to new research.
Big dogs that panic in the water can drown a human, in particular small humans.
What is left is derelict buildings, small human settlements, and robots bent on killing everything that moves.
Both artists depict small human figures against large, and largely empty, cityscapes.
Together, these feedbacks suggest that the greenhouse gas concentrations in the RCP8.5 case could be achieved with ~ 400 GtC smaller human emissions, making the RCP8.5 worst - case scenario more plausible.
, full (or accelerated) equity ownership, transportability (local conditions can change adversely over time), extremely efficient use of resources (when did mindless wastefulness become normalized in the US), real innovation in affordable architecture (not green McMansions), the beginning of the end wage slavery, reduced impact on the environment thru smaller human lifestyle footprint, and a great antidote to a predatory lending system that is beyond accountability.
About Blog Hello, I'm Cassandra, a Christchurch - based photographer who is passionate about small humans and getting creative.
The proposed gene therapy is based on the success of small human trials of killer T - cells (Chimeric Antigen Receptor [CAR] T - cell therapy).
He sometimes consciously quotes from art history, reinterpreting mannerism and the Renaissance, by overlapping his characteristic calligraphy composed of a multitude of small human beings.
Presented «Birth Interventions: Impact on Normal Breastfeeding,»» Normal Parameters of Human Milk Production: Pregnancy Through Postweaning» and «Placenta to Pizza: Normal Diet for Small Humans
Eradication of cats was possible for various reasons: firstly, it is an island with a very small human population and therefore with a low risk or re-introduction of cats; its size is small (26km2) which helps control and monitoring; and lastly, the vegetation is sparse, with many open areas.

Phrases with «small human»

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